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Nate had said that he was trying to get under his skin and I’m the perfect way to do that, which obviously, sucks for me. I hate people playing games and I hate it, even more, when I’m used as a chess piece. I know there’s some sort of ulterior motive behind this whole transfer bullshit, I just have to figure it out.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Nate questions after I’ve been unusually quiet.

“Jackson,” I grunt.

“Wow,” Nate grins. “Way to make a guy feel good about himself.”

I roll my eyes. “You know I don’t mean it like that,” I say. “I just don’t get why he’s here. Has he tried to start anything with you?”

“Nope,” he says. “Though I don’t doubt that will change once you walk through the doors.” I groan, knowing exactly what he’s referring to. “I swear, Tora. If that bastard even looks at you funny, I’m going to put him down.”

“No need for the dramatics,” I smirk as I work on downing my banana. “Any gossip I’ve missed out on?”

He shrugs his shoulders as he pulls into the school parking lot. “Like I pay attention to that shit,” he scoffs. “Besides, I’m sure Brooke would have filled you in on all that crap.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t talk to Brooke last night,” I tell him before giving him a stern look.

“Fine,” he grunts. “Trent Matthews got caught screwing Mikayla Watkins in the teachers’ lounge.”

“What?” I laugh. “Mikayla Watkins? As in Principal Watkins’ daughter?”

“Yeah,” he smirks. I double over in laughter as Nate expertly parks his car. He rolls his eyes as he opens his car door. “Come on,” he tells me before indicating with a nod of his head out the front window. “Your fan club is waiting for you.”

I look up and sure enough, Brooke, Brylee, and Courtney are standing right in front of Nate’s car, smiling at me as though they haven’t seen me in years when in reality, I saw them two nights ago.

I push my way out of Nate’s car and meet the girls around the front before looking back at Nate who takes off in the opposite direction before giving me one of his signature panty melting winks matched with one hell of a gorgeous smirk.

We walk up to the school with Courtney filling me in on all the latest gossip about her and Puck which honestly, isn’t very exciting. Not a thing has happened between them since Jesse’s party and it’s absolutely killing her; which means she’s going to give me details on every single time he’s looked her way since then.

As we emerge in the hallway, I walk towards my locker with Brooke when a familiar wave of blonde hair walks by me, trying her best to be invisible. I can’t help but follow her movements. Elle seems depressed. I know I haven’t been here for the past few weeks, but this is clearly a girl who has fallen to the bottom of the Broken Hill High social ladder.

She avoids eye contact, she gets bumped into from every different angle, girls sneer at her while boys call her crude names.

I let out a heavy sigh. I can’t help but feel partially responsible. I know the whole Josh thing was her idea, but she backed off which is the very thing I can’t get past. Jesse outed her with her shameful secret in his bid to protect me and because of that, her whole life has been turned upside down.

I mean, maybe this is on my conscious. Karma is a real bitch and I don’t want it coming back to haunt me. Maybe it’s time to make things right for her. After all, her life is miserable. She’s not happy and it’s all to do with me.

She continues on and I turn into my locker. The thoughts of Elle’s demise instantly fade from my mind as I find the new quarterback leaning up against my locker.

Jackson Millington. Broken Hill High’s new golden boy. “What the hell do you want?” I ask wanting nothing more than to knock that smirk off his face as people from everywhere seem to stop and circle us, desperate to know how this is going to turn out. I mean, everyone knows about the rivalry between Jackson and Nate. It’s no secret.

He puts a hand to his chest and feigns hurt as he pushes up off my locker. “I just wanted to welcome you back.”

“Really, now?” I question, appearing as the bitch of the conversation.

“Well,” he smirks. “I might also want to know why you’ve been away.”

“Sick,” I grunt. “What are you doing here?”

“At your locker?” he asks.

“At my school?”

His eyes narrow on me and it’s almost as though he’s trying to get inside, kind of like he’s trying to get a read on me. After a short moment, a knowing grin takes over his features and he steps forward and speaks to me in a low tone. “Don’t stress, Tora. I’m not here to cause trouble. I know you’re with Nate… For now,” he murmurs before continuing at my stare. “My mom had me transferred. The team here is stronger and I have a better chance of handpicking a college team.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance