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“Deal,” I laugh.

She cracks open the lid and instantly takes a swig. “Ugh,” she sputters as her whole face scrunches up. “I forgot how awful this stuff is.”

“I know,” I laugh. “Isn’t it magical?”

She shakes her head at me before passing the bottle. I take a drink as we sit around the table, waiting for the clear goodness to take effect. Half an hour later, we stare down the stupid envelope, neither one of us willing to open it. “You do it,” I tell her as our eyes flick from one another and back to the envelope.

“Not this shit again,” she groans.

An idea strikes and without giving it a second thought, I reach forward and ‘accidentally’ knock over the glass of water sitting between us. “Oh, shit,” I gasp. I hurry to right the cup as mom reaches for the envelope.

“Crap,” she shrieks as the water starts soaking into the paper. She hurries to rip open the envelope as to not ruin the contents inside and before we know it, the papers are sitting before us.

A breath slowly escapes me as I lean back into my chair and stare at the papers. Well, shit. This is actually happening.

Unable to help my curiosity, I pick the papers up off the table and start scanning through them. “Just tell me the important things,” mom says.

I nod my head as I continue reading. “Ahhhhh,” I say as I scan through the next section. “He’s been relocated… blah, blah, blah,” I mumble. “They’re putting him up in a fancy ass house. All expenses paid. Ooh, a raise.”

“Damn straight,” she grunts before reaching for the vodka and taking a long, deep pull. “Come on,” she dares me. “Let me have it.”

I let out a sigh as I glance across at her to make sure she’s alright with me still reading. I continue scanning the papers until I get to the part and find myself gasping for breath. “What is it?” mom panics as she grabs my hand.

I toss the papers back on the chair and reach for the bottle before taking a long, deep pull of my own, feeling completely blindsided. “Minimum six month relocation with the possibility of an extension.”

Her eyes widen as she rears forward and snatches the papers off the table. She scans through until she finds the part I’m talking about. Her face falls in devastation. “I’m so sorry, honey. I knew this was a possibility, but I never… Shit.”

I let out a heavy sigh, willing myself not to cry again. “It’s ok,” I tell her, trying my hardest to hide the pain. “We’ll manage. He’ll call when he can.”

“That he will,” she tells me, trying to be brave as she pries the bottle from my fingers and takes another drink. “I think we’re going to need another one of these.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”


A heavy pounding rattles my head. “Oh, shit,” I groan as I try to push myself up off the hard surface. I cringe into the beaming light shining in through the window and realize I fell asleep with my head on the dining room table. “Ugh,” I say, sitting up into the chair and rubbing the side of my face which I’m sure is probably bright red from a night of being squished into the hardwood.

Damn it. What day is it? Am I supposed to be doing something today? I hope not.

I clench my eyes closed wishing that the pounding will take a rest for at least a half an hour, just enough time to get some painkillers, get showered and dressed, and maybe have a little breakfast.

I hang my head and when I open my eyes, I see my phone laying carelessly on the floor. I reach down and scoop it up while cringing at the way my head spins with the movement. I hit the home screen and find nothing but texts and missed calls from Nate, Jesse, and Brooke. I cringe once again, hating that they’re probably all worried about me, though, if Nate was that worried, he’d probably come looking.

I scroll through all the texts with disinterest.

Brooke – What are you doing? I’m bored.

Jesse – Fuckkker!!!!! What’s up?

Brooke – Hello?????

Nate – Can you sneak out tonight?

Jesse – Fine. Didn’t want to talk to you either.

Brooke – You better not be ditching me for hot sex with your boyfriend!

Brooke – Actually, I take that back, I’m ditching you for hot sex with my boyfriend!

Nate – You alive?

Nate – Babe, what’s going on?

Nate – Tora?

As I finish scrolling, I come to one last text which came through about twenty minutes ago from Nate, which has me cringing all over again, though, for completely different reasons.

Nate – Fuck, Tora. I’m going crazy here. What’s going on? Are you alright? I haven’t heard from you all fucking night. Answer your goddamn phone before I come and bust down your door!

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance