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The last thirty seconds appear on the clock and I watch with wide eyes as our team slowly makes their way back down the other end. “Come on,” I yell towards our team even though I hardly know any of them.

The cheerleaders are going apeshit along with everyone else as Haven Falls truly fight for it, but they’re exhausted, and our team is refusing to ruin their so far undefeated season.

Ten seconds left and they’re nearly there. The player with the ball charges forward and it’s clear he’s going for it. It’s all or nothing. He sidesteps some big guy on the other team while giving it everything. His teammates are right behind him ready and waiting if he needs them. He feigns left to avoid being sacked before charging right with the ball firmly under his arm.

Another two come at him and I grab Brooke’s hand, desperate to see how this plays out. Only the kid does this weird spin thing and a bit of fancy ass footwork before clearing them both and diving across the line as nearly every player on the field comes after him. He slams the ball down on the ground just as the buzzer sounds.

“Hell yeah,” Brooke screams as I jump up and down.

“Holy shit, that was so good,” I say as I try to calm my racing heart.

“Did you see that?” Courtney yells while leaning around Brooke to be seen and heard as Brylee whoops and spills her drink everywhere. “That was incredible. Best game of the season so far.”

I can’t help but laugh, and honestly, I’m surprised by my school spirit. Our team cheers and celebrates down on the field as the cheerleaders rush towards them. People start spilling out of the stands and I turn back towards the girls. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Really?” Brylee questions. “Let’s say hi to the guys first.”

“Since when are you interested in talking to the football team?”

A grin rips across her face as she grabs Courtney’s hand. “Since now,” she declares before pulling Courtney behind her and dashing down the stands and onto the field.

Brooke lets out a huff. “We’re stuck here now.”

“I know,” I groan as we slowly make our way down the stands behind the crowd.

As we get to the bottom, Brooke grabs my hand and hauls me off to the side. “I got to pee,” she tells me. “Then we can go and find those skanks.”

“Alright,” I say as I allow Brooke to drag me along.

Once she’s done, we walk back down to football field and start scanning through all the bodies. The place is a flurry of activity with people wanting to get out of here, while others are already starting to party.

Brooke talks endlessly about Maxen while we walk mindless around the people, trying to find Brylee and Court. Josh stalks past and I find myself glued to the spot, especially as he sends a heavy scowl my way. He stops in his tracks and turns my way when one of the players from our team walks past and calls out to him. “Hey Josh, how’d you like warming that bench?”

His scowl turns lethal as he turns his glare on the guy. “Shut the fuck up, Reed,” he growls before looking back at me and continuing to stalk forward.

Shit. A heavy glare sets itself over my face as I silently beg him to leave me the fuck alone. I don’t want to deal with this right now, though, my only saving grace is that Brooke is with me and there’s a shitload of people around, so it’s not like he can try anything.

I force myself to find my backbone and open my mouth to tell him where to go when someone cuts me off. “Hey. Tora, right?”

I look across to find Jackson approaching with a cocky grin on his face and turn back to Josh who instantly stops. His eyes flick between me and Jackson a few times before he turns and walks away.

A breath leaves me and I turn back to Jackson. “Um, yeah. Hi,” I say, curious what he could possibly want as Brooke looks between us, probably wondering why the quarterback of Haven Falls Private is talking to me and knows my name.

“What’s going on?” he asks as his eyes travel up and down my body. He steps right into my personal bubble and grins down at me. “You want to party tonight?”

“No, thanks,” I say as I step back away from him. “We’re busy.” Brooke’s eyebrows pull down and I silently beg her not to but in, knowing she hates passing up a good party, though, partying with this guy is not a good idea.

“You sure, babe?”

“I’m not your ‘babe’,” I tell him. “And yes, we’re busy.”

His eyes narrow as he considers me for a moment. “That’s right, you’re fucking Nate, aren’t you?”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance