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“No,” I laugh. “But it’s not a bad idea.”

“Oh, geez,” she groans. “What I wouldn’t give to have a Ryder brother sharing my bed every night.”

“First off,” I say. “Nate is taken, so there’s no sharing his bed. Secondly, you don’t want to share a bed with Jesse. He’d chew you up and spit you out. I could see you with Puck, though.” Courtney’s cheeks instantly flush and she looks away as Brylee bursts into laughter. “What?” I demand. “What am I missing?”

Brylee can’t control her laughter and goes to talk when Courtney ribs her, trying to shut her up, but a chance at embarrassing her best friend is too good to pass up. “She slept with Puck two nights ago.”

“What?” Brooke shrieks. “Since when? I didn’t even know you were interested in him.”

“I know,” Courtney groans as she slaps her hands over her face in embarrassment. “It just kind of happened.”

“Oh, you mean, you slipped and fell, and his dick just happened to land in your vag? Over and over again?”

“Well… kind of.”

“Huh? What’s that mean?” I grunt.

“You know how I had a flat the other night?” I nod my head and she continues, “Well, he drove past and offered to help me change it, and I wasn’t going to say no, otherwise I would have had to wait for dad to come from the city. Anyway. I was trying to help him and we bumped into each other and I went to fall but he saved me,” she says with a cringe, “and then it just kind of happened.”

“On the side of the road?” Brooke gasps.

“No, in my car,” Courtney laughs as her face continues to flame bright red. “Can we get back to the whole football game thing now?”

“Football game?” I grunt.

“Who cares about the game,” Brooke says. “I want to know about Puck.”

“Tough shit,” Court replies. “I’m going to need a few drinks before I can spill the beans on that one.”

“Really?” I ask with wide eyes. “Is that because it was that good or that bad?”

Courtney’s eyes begin to sparkle and she can hardly look at us. Brooke nudges me. “I’d say it was that good.”

“Agreed,” I laugh. “Now, what’s this about a football game?”

“Tonight,” Brylee says. “You know, we’re against Haven Falls Private tonight. It’s on every poster around the school. I want to go.”

“Really?” I groan as I look around the cafeteria and realize she’s right. There are about four or five separate posters advertising the game for tonight, all of which I haven’t noticed. “It’s just a bunch of sweaty guys running around, chasing a stupid ball.”

“Come on,” Courtney says. “Have a little school spirit. Besides, it’s our senior year, we’re supposed to get into this shit and cheer for our team. It’s called making memories.”

I look towards Brooke who’s trying to give me an encouraging look. “Oh, no. You too?”

“Yeah,” she says. “I wouldn’t mind. I heard the Haven Falls team are pretty hot.”

“I wonder what Maxen would think about that,” I muse.

“Shut up,” she says, elbowing me in the ribs. “We’re going whether you like it or not.”

“Fine,” I groan, only because the idea of having a bit of a perve is too good to pass up, though, no one is going to come close to the sexy, smoldering dark eyed beast across the cafeteria. “But our team better win.”

“Our team always wins,” Courtney says as she picks up her bottle of apple juice and takes a sip through a bright pink straw. “You’ll see. It’ll be worth it.”

“We should make an afternoon of it,” Brooke declares. “We should go back to Tora’s place where there are no parents or little brothers or sisters to get in our way and get ready together. Maybe give Courtney a few drinks so she can spill the beans on Puck.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I’m in.”

“Me too,” Brylee says.

We all turn towards Courtney who has stayed awfully quiet and I raise a questioning eyebrow. “Fine, but I’m not spilling too many beans.”

I grin across at Brooke. “We’ll give her vodka. She gets chatty with vodka.”

She grins right back at me and nods her head enthusiastically. “Damn straight, she does.”

We finish our lunch and I duck across to Nate’s table and go to sit beside him, only he catches me at the last second and hoist me down onto his lap before kissing me deeply. As usual, my panties turn into a ball of fire before completely disintegrating from my body, while the rest of me melts. “I can’t wait to get you home,” he tells me once he pulls away.

I cringe as my arms wind around his neck. “Yeah… about that,” I say, becoming amused by the way his face falls. “The girls and I are going to spend the afternoon at my place then go to the game.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance