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Nate Ryder does whatever the fuck he wants to do and the way that he doesn’t give a shit about the consequences is what makes him so dangerous.

Nate drives like a maniac but it’s clear he knows exactly what he’s doing behind the wheel, especially when he reaches the bonfire and starts tearing up the grass as he does donuts around it.

People laugh and cheer at his recklessness while Josh turns bright red with anger. It’s no secret that Nate and Josh have never gotten along. Josh is the golden boy while Nate is the complete opposite. Josh goes to step forward, probably to do damage control before he steps back, choosing not to intervene. I have to admit, that one little move by Josh finally proves that maybe he does have a brain inside that head after all. He’d be a fool to try to stop Nate. He’s just going to have to wait him out and hope he and his friends leave before they do any permanent damage.

Nate’s car finally comes to a stop and I cringe at the state of the grass, I mean, there’s hardly any left. Josh is going to have to get this shit sorted before his parents return from wherever it is they’ve gone this week.

Parker stumbles out of the car first and raises both hands in the air before screaming out and putting on a show for all his adoring fans. He brings his beer bottle to his mouth, finishes what’s left, and tosses the bottle towards the fire, though he misses and it smashes against a rock.

Nate, however, gets out of the car, deciding to leave it right there in the middle of the yard. He leans up against the side of it and pulls a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket before pulling one out and lighting it up.

He throws the packet through the open window of his car and walks forward. His eyes lock onto Josh and then down at me before he smirks as Josh turns and disappears inside.

He walks straight past me and I hold my breath, hoping he keeps going, but I’m not that lucky. Nate stops and steps back before smirking down at me. He takes a step forward as he sucks on the end of his cigarette and blows out a puff of smoke, though, I have to give him credit for not blowing it into my face like he did a few weeks ago.

My instincts take over and I step back which puts me right up against the brick wall of the house. Nate follows and pushes right into my personal space with that wicked smirk of his. He lowers his hands to my waist and I pull back as far as the wall will allow.

“Looks like Josh isn’t that interested in you after all,” he says with a nasty sparkle in his eye as he leans in and presses his body right up against mine. “But don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to scratch that itch for you.”

I worm my hand up in between us and try my hardest to shove him away. “I wouldn’t let you into my bed if you were the last man on earth,” I spit. “You’re nothing but a pig, Nate.”

He laughs to himself before wrapping his arm right around my waist and pulling me hard against him, making a breath escape me. “You fucking love it, babe,” he says as he runs his nose up the length of my neck. A moment later, he releases me without warning and I fall back into the brick wall.

He turns his back on me and walks back down to his car as he lifts his dirty cigarette to his mouth before a puff of smoke comes billowing around him and disappears into the night sky. My hands ball into fists at my side while my teeth clench down on one another. I want nothing more than to storm up to him and smack him.

God. I take it all back. Nate Ryder does know how to get a rise out of me. Most of the time, I can control myself, but then there are times like this. It’s like he knows when I’m at my weakest and he uses it against me, then BAM, he gets me right where it hurts.

I take a few calming breaths before heading back inside. After all, now I only have a few minutes to find Brooke and drag her ass out of here kicking and screaming.

I find the girls back at the drinks table with Brooke and Bec seeing who can stomach the most shots. “Damn it,” I groan to myself as I reach them. “Brooke,” I call over the music. “We have to go.”

“No way in hell, sister,” she sings. “We’re doing shots.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance