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“I thought we could talk,” he tells me as he rubs the back of his head. “I was kind of an ass the other night. I want to make it up to you.”

I scoff and turn my attention on Elle, not believing a word Josh says. “And I suppose you want to talk, too?”

“Look,” she says, instantly jumping on the defense as I get to my feet. “It’s my senior year and I’m not interested in playing games. I have too much riding on my shoulders being the cheer captain and if I want to get into my top choice for college, then I can’t afford any distractions. So, I think we need to put this thing to rest. We should go somewhere private and sort out our differences before things gets out of hand.”

“You’d make a great actress,” I tell her as Brooke, Courtney, and Bec also get to their feet, making it a point that we’re not buying their bullshit.

Elle’s eyes darken and I watch as her jaw clenches while also trying to maintain her innocent smile. Whatever this plan is, it involves getting me alone, and that’s some next level bullshit that I’m not going to fall for. “Come on, babe,” Josh says, reaching out and stroking his hand down my arm. “We only need a minute and then we’ll leave you alone.”

I pull back away from his touch and am about to tell him to shove his head up his ass when an arm is thrown over my shoulder. I startle at the suddenness of having someone so close beside me and whip my head around to find Jesse. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised. It seems that whenever something is going on, Jesse is always close by. “What’s up, Josh?” Jesse says, narrowing his eyes on him as though he knows their secret.

“What do you want, Jesse?” Josh grunts as he focuses all his attention on him.

“Not much. I was just about to steal Tora away.”

“Tough shit,” Josh replies with a heavy scowl, making it clear just how much he doesn’t like Jess. “She was coming with us to talk things out.”

“Oh,” Jesse says, feigning surprise before looking down at me. “Were you busy?”

“Nope,” I tell him. “I’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Are you serious, right now?” Elle cuts in with her signature attitude. “We’re trying to do something nice for you.”

“Right,” Jesse says, releasing his arm off my shoulder and stepping forward towards Elle. “I know all about the ‘nice’ thing you wanted to do for Tora, and let me tell you, it ain’t going to happen. Not unless you want word of what you did at Ty’s party last month to get out.”

Her face drains of all color as her eyes widen in horror. She flicks her eyes to me and then back to Jesse before swallowing her pride. “Come on, Josh,” she says, not removing her glare off Jesse. “We should go.”

“What?” he grunts. “No way.”

“Josh,” Elle demands. “Let’s go.” With that, she turns and walks away.

Josh’s eyes narrow on me before he realizes he’s completely alone here. He lets out a small huff before turning and following Elle, though I get the feeling that he’s not quite finished with me. He wants his revenge and he’ll stop at nothing to get it.

Jesse turns back to me with a grin the size of Texas across his face. “You’re welcome,” he says before nodding and pretending to tip his non-existent hat to me.

“I’m welcome?” I scoff. “I totally had that handled. I didn’t need your big head getting involved.”

“Bullshit,” he says. “You would have caved out of curiosity.”

My mouth drops and I go to call him out when Brooke cuts me off. “Speaking of curiosity,” she says. “What the hell happened at Tyson’s party?”

Jesse’s eyes cut across to Brooke before he winks and draws his fingers across his lips, pretending to zip them. She rolls her eyes but he doesn’t see as he turns his attention back on me. “Come on,” he tells me before walking off.

“What? I’m not going anywhere with you,” I call behind him.

He stops and looks back at me. “Hurry up,” he demands.

I let out a sigh before looking back at the girls. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“No, she won’t,” he tells them.

I shake my head and wave goodbye before following Jesse up towards the school. “Would you wait up?” I say.

We walk into the hallway with the senior lockers and Jesse stops right beside mine. “You should probably get your things. You won’t be coming back today.”

“Huh?” I grunt as I stare at him blankly. “Where the hell are we going?”

“No fucking clue,” he says before nodding towards my locker. “Make it quick.”

I cross my arms over my chest and give him an impatient look as I lean against the locker. “I’m not ditching school.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill High Romance