Page 35 of Holiday Bound

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She groaned in agonized pleasure when he began to lash at her helpless nipple with his warm, abrasive tongue. The need to stimulate her genitals grew until her muscles trembled visibly from forcing herself not to writhe against the couch. He continued to torture her nipple until Angeline released a rough groan of raw need.

“Do you want to come, beautiful?” he rasped, his breath falling across her damp nipple.

“Yes. Please touch me, Alex.”

He glanced up at her and then released her wrists from his hold.

“Keep your hands where they are and your hips still, or I’ll stop,” he warned quietly.

She ran her tongue over her upper lip and tasted sweat as she watched him plump both of her breasts in his big hands, pushing together the mounds.

“Alex,” she moaned when he pushed her nipples together and began to tongue both beaded crests simultaneously. She couldn’t help it, her arousal was too intense. She flexed her hips, pressing down on the couch. She didn’t wiggle around, but the indirect pressure in combination with Alex’s precise nipple stimulation gave her a tight, almost painful orgasm.

Alex must have understood her anguished whimpers of pleasure, because he rapidly unfastened her jeans and slid one long finger beneath her panties and between her labia. Angeline cried out in sharp surprise as her pleasure was liberated. She shuddered as Alex stroked her clit, playing her masterfully, coaxing every last note of bliss out of her shaking body.

She panted into the juncture of Alex’s neck and shoulder a moment later when he lifted her off the couch and headed down the hallway. Her breath still came fast and uneven by the time he lowered her to his bed. She felt his hand at her back, unfastening her bra.

“Let’s get you out of the rest of these clothes,” he said thickly. Angeline blinked, trying to see in the dim room. Light spilled from the hallway—enough for her to see the rigid lines of Alex’s bold features…enough for her to see his stark arousal as he stripped her out of her jeans, panties and socks. When he was done, she lay naked on his bed, her legs falling over the edge.

He looked at her from her face all the way to her bent knees, his gaze making her skin tingle wherever it landed. Finally he met her stare.

“I told you not to move out there. It made you uncomfortable, coming like that.”

She bit her lower lip. “I had to move. I couldn’t help it.”

His grunt sounded dissatisfied. He pressed his pelvis against the mattress and Angeline realized for the first time that the mattress of the bed was higher than most. Alex’d made the bed match the man who slept in it.

Who made love in it.

He ran his hands under her thighs and up over her buttocks, his touch making her shiver with pleasure.

“But I told you not to move.” She gasped softly when he gave both of her ass cheeks a taut squeeze with his big hands. He smiled. “Now I’m going to have the pleasure of punishing you for not doing as I said.” Maybe he noticed the uncertainty on her face because she caught the glimmer of amusement in his eyes as he continued to mold her ass to his palms.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, beautiful. Not now. Not ever. I just want to make you burn.”

“All right,” she consented in a whisper.

He leaned down and kissed her—roughly at first, hungrily. But as was his custom, he slowed once he’d staked his claim until that hot, tender possession made her toes curl in the air. His bed was so tall, she couldn’t even reach the floor with her feet. She moaned softly when he sealed that drugging kiss and gently turned her over onto her belly. He grasped her wrists and pressed her hands down to the mattress above her head.

“Alex,” she moaned in a heated rush when he leaned down over her body and explored her skin with his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to outline her sensitive ribs, planting small kisses at the small of her back…nipping softly at her waist and hip. He pressed his groin to her buttocks…not hard. Not lewdly. Instead, the light pressure of his heavy erection against her ass left her panting in desire…craving more. She sensed his hunger as he sensitized her flesh, felt it swelling and growing, mixing with her own arousal until she couldn’t differentiate where his began and her own ended.

“I’m going to use my paddle on your bottom now, Angel.”

Heat rushed into her pussy. He suddenly parted her ass cheeks and lifted her slightly off the mattress. Once again, his effortless strength, his ability to lift and position her in whatever way fulfilled his whim of the moment aroused her unbearably. Angeline cried out in surprised pleasure when she felt his warm tongue lap along her sensitive tissues—just once—a single, electrical caress that went from her tingling clit all the way to her perineum. Then he was gone, his absence making her ache mount.

He groaned roughly.

“How much of that sweetness is from knowing you’re going to get a paddling on that beautiful ass of yours?” he teased gruffly behind her. He moved and she was left missing the pressure of his big, hard body. She came up on her elbows and watched him as he moved toward the bedside table. He eyes had adjusted to the dim light. She could see the black leather paddle he withdrew from a drawer perfectly. Her eyes widened even further when he also withdrew the now-familiar handcuffs.

He turned toward her. Even though her clit twanged in excitement, she turned on her hip, instinctively denying him her ass.

She stared as a huge smile broke out on his face.

“What are you grinning about?” she demanded, feeling a mixture of irritation and blatant arousal at witnessing once again his irresistible sexuality when he smiled.

“Didn’t I tell you I’d never hurt you?”

She held his gaze and nodded once. Heat pooled and seemed to thicken in her pussy. Apparently her body’s strong reaction came from seeing Alex standing over her holding a paddle and handcuffs.

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic