Page 28 of Holiday Bound

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She turned around resolutely, even though she felt far from certain about walking away from Alex at that moment.

“I think I will work out. I’ll go change.”

“I put your bag in my bedroom. The last door on the left.”

Her brisk footsteps stilled. All the desire that had been held in abeyance during their playful interlude came sweeping back, exponentially stronger. Her clit twanged with sharp arousal at the idea of sharing Alex’s bed.

She glanced over her shoulder cautiously. He watched her with an unwavering stare.

Well, it was like he said. They were both single, consenting adults, weren’t they?

“All right,” she said quietly before she headed for Alex’s bedroom.

Twenty minutes of jogging on the treadmill didn’t chase away her doubts, and it hadn’t so much as made a dent in her lustful thoughts. Fifteen minutes of calisthenics and using Alex’s multi-purpose weight machine had no effect whatsoever on keeping her from remembering in graphic detail what it’d been like to have Alex’s cock thrusting deep inside her, how exciting it had been when he held her ass between his hands and swatted her for his pleasure…and hers, how forbidden it had been when he’d pinned her arms to the floor and forced her to meet her desire head on.

She sat on the weight bench and gazed blankly into space. She recalled the shadows that leapt over his bold features as he stared down at her as she lay beneath him.

Goddammit, Angeline, do you want me to tie you down?

“I think I know the answer to that question now, Alex,” she mumbled after liquid heat surged through her pussy.

She jumped when she heard the basement door open. Not a muscle on her body moved except for her eyes as she watched Alex enter the workout facility a few seconds later carrying a pair of handcuffs.


“Have a good workout?” he asked politely, seeming impervious to her anxious stare at the silver cuffs that dangled loosely next to his thigh.

“Yes. Alex…what do you think you’re going to do with those?”

“I thought I’d do some convincing.”

“Convincing?” she asked weakly when she met his stare.

He nodded matter-of-factly and stepped toward her. He shoved one cuff into his jean pocket and let the other dangle while he reached for the hem of her T-shirt.

“Apparently I still need to convince to you that you’re mine. Arms up.”

Angeline followed his instruction and found herself stripped of her shirt and bra in seconds. “I’m sweaty,” she muttered when Alex paused and stared at her bare breasts with a gaze hot enough to burn. For some reason, his lusty fascination with her breasts didn’t offend her like it did with most men.

Instead, it made her feel incredibly desirable.

He reached out and stroked the sides of her ribs with both hands, her light coat of perspiration making his skin glide along her own sensually. He groaned, deep and guttural, when he swept up his hands and held up her breasts for his inspection.

“I like it. I can’t wait to taste your sweat on my tongue,” he rasped, his gaze still glued to her stiffening nipples. She shifted her hips, pressing her pussy down on the bench to still the ache that stabbed through it. He noticed and smiled.

“Lay back, Angel.”

When she did, he quickly and efficiently whipped her shorts and panties down her legs. He pulled his gaze off the juncture of her parted thighs and glanced at her white anklets and tennis shoes.

“I think I’ll leave them on. Looks sexy as hell,” he said, a grin pulling at his handsome mouth. “Grab onto the bar, Angeline.”

She did as he ordered, her heartbeat growing louder and louder in her ears and her pussy tingling with anticipation. He looped the chain behind the bar and opened then snapped the cuffs closed around her wrists. They felt cool and heavier than she would have expected.

Alex grabbed two enormous weights and slid them onto each end of the bar and then added two more on each side, along with the clip to keep them secure.

He came around to the side of the bench. Angeline panted softly as she stared up at him. She felt a strange combination of vulnerability and intense sexual arousal when she felt the long, thick column of Alex’s cock pressed against her thigh. She licked her lower lip anxiously, her gaze leaping up to meet his stare when he groaned.

“Fight against it a bit. Let me see if it’s secure.”

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic