Page 26 of Holiday Bound

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“When will we be able to put up the tree?”

“Not until this evening,” he replied in a low voice.

“Thank you for getting it, Alex,” she said feelingly, although she was careful to keep her gaze on the leaping flames in the hearth. Her heart began to thrum in her ears in the taut silence that followed. Her neck and cheek prickled with the awareness of his gaze.

She heard him sigh and sensed that he straightened.

“It’s not a huge tree or anything,” he said gruffly behind her. “If you’re finished in the bathroom, I’ll take the heater out to the garage. It’ll help dry the tree. I’ll give it a good once over with some towels too. That ought to help,” he said briskly, and she was grateful to him for breaking the tension of the moment.

He stood suddenly, and Angeline turned. She found herself staring straight onto long, hard-looking thighs and a jaw-dropping, denim-covered package. She told herself to drop her gaze, but instead she looked up into Alex’s face.

He watched her with a heavy-lidded stare that spoke volumes.

Angeline lunged up off the couch and took several steps toward the kitchen.

“I’m finished in the bathroom. Hey, is it okay if I check out what you have in the freezer? It’s kept things cold enough, even without the electricity, but we ought to try to use some of the thawing meat soon. Maybe I can find something suitable for a Christmas dinner?”

His blue-eyed gaze swept rapidly over her from head to toe just like it had when he’d entered the kitchen earlier. Unlike that time, however, he didn’t seem irritated by her standoffishness.

“Make yourself at home, Angel.”

She stood transfixed as he lowered his head, and then she was staring at the back of his broad shoulders as he left the room.

What the hell was she going to do? She was trapped in this house with a man she found immensely sexually attractive, but also appealing and even endearing in unforeseen ways.

She couldn’t quite comprehend Alex’s comfort in expressing his interest in her when they hardly knew each other, but one thing she did know. Angeline was going to have to be honest with Mitchell about what had happened with Alex, at least in a vague, un-detailed format.

It was a conversation she was looking forward to about as much as running out into the blizzard naked.

As for what was still happening between her and Alex, she felt anxious and wary about that as well. Surely Alex’s interest in her was at least partly associated with all the animosity he held toward Mitchell. He’d accused Mitchell of asking her up to Heavenly View to hurt him.

Wasn’t it possible Alex’s motivation in seducing her was a return metaphorical punch? And if so, didn’t that make it an absolute must for her to reject him if he came onto her again?

Logically, that would seem to be the only answer. But Angeline thought of their heated trysts on that floor last night, and she was honest enough to admit to herself she was so curious about…so desirous of Alex Caraddine’s touch, it would be damn difficult to refuse him much of anything.

Chapter Nine

She discovered that Alex’s freezer and cupboards were well stocked. She prepared some oatmeal on the gas stove, and started to plan out a meal for Christmas Eve. After Alex had dried the tree and returned inside carrying a small mountain of towels, he joined her in eating steaming oatmeal topped with blueberries and a sprinkle of brown sugar. They cleaned up the few breakfast dishes together, Angeline worrying about the long day looming before them. But Alex once again showed he was capable of tact by suggesting they play cards to fill up their time.

Much to her surprise, the nervous tension she usually experienced around him—what was really a hyper-awareness of him sexually—eased while they engaged in a fun, competitive match of hearts while sitting cross-legged on the living room floor, Angeline wrapped in a warm blanket. She discovered that not only did Alex possess a sharp, dry sense of humor and an incising intelligence, the man was a card shark. She considered herself to be pretty good at cards, so it irritated her that she couldn’t beat him for more than an occasional round.

Still, she couldn’t help but admire his skill, which was made twice as appealing by his almost casual disregard in wielding it.

“I think I’ve been had,” she stated with a scowl when she added up the points for their latest round.

He leaned back on his hands and grinned. “You picked the game.”

“Lucky for you, I guess. How was I supposed to know you’re the Midwest Hearts Champion?”

“It wouldn’t have mattered what game you picked, Angel.”

She lowered her eyes, pretending to be miffed by his immodesty. In reality, the combination of his new nickname for her and his potent smile knocked her off balance. She glanced out the patio doors at the raging storm. Even though it couldn’t be much later than two-thirty, it looked like it was dusk already. She opened her eyes to comment on it when the kitchen light suddenly blinked on.

“We have electricity,” she exclaimed gleefully.

“Hallelujah,” Alex muttered as he leapt up and headed toward the thermostat. He turned it several notches and Angeline gave a whoop of excitement when the furnace kicked on.

“We can put lights on the tree,” she said when he returned.

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic