Page 19 of Holiday Bound

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“Stop it, you jerk!” she squalled when he cracked her ass again—this time on the lower curve of her bottom. Her flesh tingled and burned, and the sensation had somehow transferred to her pussy as well. Everything down there felt hot and prickly with arousal.

She went still when the thought struck her full force. She was getting turned on by being spanked.

“That’s right, best to just take it,” Alex muttered gruffly, mistaking her sudden stillness for acquiescence and not amazement. And maybe it was, Angeline thought dazedly, as Alex’s big palm struck her ass again and wetness surged from her pussy at the sound of flesh cracking against flesh and the resulting sting of enlivened nerves.

“Are you going to stay still?” Alex asked after he’d spanked her once more.

Angeline just nodded, still irritated by his heavy-handedness, but curious about her body’s powerful response to his actions.

“Put your forehead down on the sleeping bag, then,” he instructed. It took her a moment to really process what he’d said, she was so focused on the sensation of him rubbing his big hand over her ass, soothing the prickling nerves. Because he’d placed the pillows under her hips, her bottom stuck up in the air. Her position made her feel vulnerable and incredibly aroused at once.

She found herself wondering what she felt like beneath his palm. Hot? Smooth? He certainly seemed to enjoy stroking her while he waited. Excitement swelled in her breast as she slowly placed her forehead on the sleeping bag, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.

“Is this because I refused to open my eyes?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied as he continued to rub her bottom. She yelped in surprise when he abruptly drew back his hand and gave her a firm spank. “But mostly I’m just doing it because I want to.” He spanked her again, and this time she managed to keep still. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like being spanked?”

“I don’t know. I never have been before. You make it sound like it’s a normal part of sex.”

He swatted her again, firing her nerves. She began to understand his rhythm. First he’d spank her, and then he’d linger and shape her flesh to his palm, rubbing the skin as if to soothe the burn he’d just created. When he withdrew, she found herself holding her breath in anticipation, waiting for the next crack of his palm. Her thighs were spread slightly. Angeline found herself wanting to press on the pillows to alleviate the sharp arousal that plagued her clit.

“With an ass like yours, it ought to be,” he muttered as he stroked a tingling buttock. She heard the gruff quality to his deep voice and tried to twist her head around to see him. Somehow it seemed imperative to see his face at that moment, to know that he really was as undone by this impulsive, crazy experience as her.

He paused in the action of rubbing her bottom in such a lascivious manner and glanced up at her. Something in his rigid expression reassured her, despite what he did next. She’d barely taken in the sight of his cock flicking upward in arousal before he put his hand at the back of her head. He gently, but firmly, pushed her forehead back on the sleeping bag. The dominant gesture sent a pang of lust through her pussy. She pushed down against the pillows, trying desperately to alleviate the growing friction that grew in her flesh.

He lifted her hips like he had before, his strength stunning her even amidst her annoyance at being deprived of her source of stimulation. She would have thought she weighed no more than a child’s doll. It was a singular feeling for a woman who had always worried about her size in comparison to a man. She felt feminine being held in Alex’s big hands, and a strange, erotic combination of both vulnerability and power.

“Put your hands out in front of you and keep them there.”

For some unknown reason, the rough quality to his voice didn’t alarm her in the slightest. Maybe because, on some deep level, she sensed his harshness came from arousal at the breaking point, not from any source of cruelty. Her breathing came more erratically as she followed his instructions. She was almost entirely blinded by her position and the curtain of her hair falling around her. She lay there, prone and helpless. In her mind’s eye, she imagined how glorious he must look, kneeling there behind her, his muscles flexed hard as he held her ass in his hands.

The anticipation building inside her felt almost unbearable.

He shifted his hands on her captive hips. She cried out in excitement when she felt the hard head of his cock pressing to her slit. He entered her with gentle thrusts, his possession made challenging since her legs weren’t spread wide. Her pussy strained and stretched to accept him, but he was insistent. Soon he stroked her with three or four inches of his length…but no more. The way he held her hips captive made it impossible for her to move him further into her body.

She groaned in frustration. Her clit sizzled with excitement. Her vagina clamped his penis, so hungry to have him take full possession.

“Do you want to come?” he rumbled behind her, still stroking her to electrical effect.

“That’d be the idea, yeah.”

His low laughter made a shiver ripple up her spine.

He set her hips back down on the pillows, and then reached beneath her, doubling one of the cushions. Her bottom rose even further in the air. They both groaned as he thrust into her, deeper this time. But then he lifted his hips until he speared her with only the tip of his cock. He supported his upper body on one hand and swatted her ass.

“Oooh,” she cried out helplessly when he reached beneath her and massaged her clit. She was so wet, his thick fingers slid over her with a friction-free glide, making her burn.

She writhed in agonized pleasure, but he withdrew and spanked her several times. She went still, gasping like she’d just run a sprint.

“I can’t wait to tie you down,” he said gruffly. “You’re always a trial, but when you wiggle that ass around, you’re really asking for it.”

He swatted her again, making the air ring with the smack of skin against skin. She felt his cock lurch inside her pussy. She moaned in desperate frustration and her vagina tightened around him…tempting him…begging him without words. If she wasn’t entirely overcome, she would have wondered at her raw lust.

But as thi

ngs stood, she existed for only one thing at that moment—to have Alex take her completely.

She wiggled her bottom in a come and get me gesture, causing his embedded cock to wag in the air.

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic