Page 4 of On the Job

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He slowly lifted his head. For a moment, their gazes held. In the distance, Madeline heard a shout and male laughter. She started.

“They’re back. It’s Tony and the others.”

He didn’t respond with the haste she thought the moment warranted. Instead he rose until he once again towered over her. He began to unfasten his jeans.

She gaped, stunned by his boldness.

“No, Walker,” she whispered.

“We’re going to finish this even if your fiancé walks right through that door.”

She swallowed thickly. Tony wasn’t her fiancé. They’d seen each other on and off over the years. After her father had died, Tony and his family had consoled her, made her one of them ... and helped her feel she belonged in a world that had suddenly grown alien and cold with her father gone.

And Walker.

She knew Tony felt safe with her, unlike most of the women who crowded around him for his good looks and monumental wealth. Sex hadn’t been a factor in their relationship for over a year now. It’d been her choice, although Tony was known to test the waters every couple weeks or so, shark that he was. It didn’t upset her much when he tried. She understood Tony and forgave him his weaknesses. Tony went through women like Kleenex. That hadn’t changed when she’d agreed to sleep with him years back. The realization that his infidelity hadn’t wounded her much at all had been her first true indication Tony wasn’t the man for her.

Tony insisted he could wait while the idea of marriage grew on her. She knew he occasionally referred to her as his fiancée with his friends and his parents. Madeline had grown weary of denying it.

She certainly wasn’t going to tell Walker Gray she wasn’t engaged to Tony. He already held too many cards in this little game.

She watched as Walker shoved his jeans around his thighs. His boxer briefs looked snow-white in the shaded room next to his golden brown tan. A moan of longing leaked out of her throat when she saw the heavy package of his cock behind stretched cotton.

No protest could form in her brain as he stretched back the boxer briefs and exposed his naked length. Lust burned everything else away. His cock fell free, the weight of the head pulling it at a downward angle. He leaned down and lifted her off her feet, bringing her flush against him. He reached and unhooked the handcuffs from the metal post. Madeline sighed shakily at the feeling of being pressed against his body. She lowered her arms to his shoulders, bracketing his head. Her legs wrapped around him, seemingly of their own volition, as he staggered a few feet, his knees bound by his clothing.

She gasped when her back thudded against the wall.

“Help me, Madeline.”

It was an order. It was a plea. Whatever it was, Madeline couldn’t stop herself from succumbing to it. She shifted her body to accommodate him. She held his stare, wincing at the sensation of his cock carving into her flesh.

“Jesus,” he mumbled in a pressured hiss. Madeline knew what he meant. They both had to apply a firm pressure to force her narrow channel to part for him. He fired her flesh even as he stretched it. She hungered for his stark, hard presence at her core. Her pussy may seem to be resisting harboring something so large, but once he’d conquered new territory, she melted around him, welcoming him like a warm, sucking kiss.

Outside, Madeline heard something hit the dock, as if Tony or someone had tossed some gear from the boat. Within the cool depths of the boathouse, she sweated in a blaze of need. Walker began to pump even before he’d fully sheathed himself. He was greedy, and she liked it.

She liked it a lot.

“Let me in, you little tease,” he said between clenched white teeth. Strangely, it sounded like an endearment instead of an insult.

She pressed with all her might against his driving cock. She bit her lower lip and gave a harsh moan when his balls pressed against her damp, sensitive tissues.

“That’s right. Now show me how you fuck with that tight little pussy.”

But she was already showing him, just like he was showing her what he could do. It was difficult to tell who put on a more enthusiastic demonstration. She drove down on his length just as he slammed into her. Madeline couldn’t catch her breath. Just when she did, he’d pin her against the wall with his cock, and air would pop out of her lungs. He held her in an iron grip just above her waist, his hands stretching onto her back and encompassing a good portion of her torso. His muscles flexed tight beneath his cotton shirt as he jerked her back and forth on his cock, the relative ease of his mastery over their movements shocking and thrilling her.

They were both so lost in their greed, united in their goal for mo

re friction, more pressure, more bliss, that they were hardly aware of anything else. They heard Tony’s and Hal Margrave’s casual banter in the distance and the sounds of feet hitting the dock, but they were knotted exclusively to each other in those frantic seconds.

He pumped into her to the hilt, and her breath exploded out of her. He paused. A drop of sweat trickled from the side of his forehead down to a whiskered jaw. He held her against the wall, her body skewered on his cock, and rotated his hips slightly. Her legs were parted wide. He ground his pelvis against her exposed clit.

“If I’d ever been here before, I wouldn’t have been able to leave. I’m not going to be able to sleep or eat if I’m thinking about this pussy.”

He watched her while she came, his face rigid, his body drawn as tight as a bowstring the moment before the arrow rips through the air. She shook in pleasure, all the while aware of his lancing gaze and feeling vulnerable for it.

Feeling beautiful.

He nursed her through her orgasm by moving his hips in tiny, subtle circles, giving her pressure on her clit. His cock throbbed high and hard inside her. She bit her lip to stop from keening. It felt decadent, so hot and forbidden.

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic