Page 10 of On the Job

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She was going to come.

“Excuse me,” she said breathlessly.

Walker’s hand fell out of her lap when she moved her chair back. She stood jerkily. Alessandro, who had been in the process of clearing their meal, steadied her as she rose.

“You okay, Maddie?” Tony asked. He must have noticed her shaky voice and stance.

“I’m fine. Maybe a little too much wine. I’ll . . . I’ll join you all in a bit if I feel better,” she said. She swept out of the room.

Before she reached the hallway, she heard Tony say in a low, confidential tone, “She’s more upset about this shooting business than she’s letting on.”

Madeline hurried into a large powder room and shut the door. She was in the outer alcove of the bathroom, a grooming area where a lady could sit at the marble-topped vanity and comb her hair or freshen her makeup. Her breathing was coming erratic and choppy. Her clit throbbed. It was very damp between her thighs. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were bright pink and her eyes had the glassy sheen of sexual arousal.

How dare he humiliate her like that in public?

She placed one hand on her pussy and winced at the pressure. She was in the process of lifting the hem of her dress when the door opened and Walker stepped into the bathroom.

Madeline stared at him as he closed and locked the door. He looked shockingly real to her in that bizarre moment, all sleek brawn and tawny male glory. His skin had turned a darker shade of toasty brown, making his eyes look even more electrically blue-green in contrast. The whiskers on his lean jaw were brown with just a hint of gold. Even in her heels, he towered over her in the small room.

He glanced down significantly at her dress bunched in her fist. He stepped toward her. “I’ll be finishing that.”

Anger and arousal swept through her with a wave of heat. “You don’t know how to finish anything you start.”

“I’ll apologize later if you like,” he said through a stiff jaw. “I’ll beg for your forgiveness for leaving, and for the fact that I wasn’t here when your dad passed. I’ll make it up to you. I don’t care how long it takes. But the time for apologies isn’t now, Madeline.”

He grabbed a handful of her dress. Her pussy twanged in anticipation, but she jerked down on the fabric in protest.

“You’re going to rip this dress,” she said in accusation, staring up at him.

“Only if you make me,” he muttered. He leaned down and covered her mouth. Her head swam. It was more of an attack than a kiss. Sensation—heat, pressure, his taste, pleasure, hunger—hit her like a slap to the face. After a disoriented moment, she kissed him back, her voraciousness nearly equaling his. Their tongues dueled angrily. She went up on her tiptoes. She placed a hand on the back of his neck and aggressively pulled him closer. He pulled up on her dress, but for some stupid reason, she resisted again, their silent battle of wills ramping up her desire instead of diminishing it.

After a moment of struggling while they ate each other like they were starving, Walker growled in frustration int

o her mouth. He lifted his head an inch from her face. She cried out in surprise when he grabbed her hands and pushed them to the small of her back. She’d been taken so off guard by his actions, she didn’t have time to struggle. He bound her wrists with one hand and shucked her dress up to her hips with the other.

“Don’t you dare ever walk away from me again when I’m touching you,” he breathed out against her lips. She gasped when his fingers plunged beneath her thong and he stroked her again. This time his whole arm moved as he stimulated her hard and ruthlessly. It felt wickedly good. He tightened his hold on her wrists, forcing her to arch slightly. She stumbled a little, off balance. One of her breasts pressed against his ribs. She moaned and dipped her knees an inch before she straightened, getting friction on her nipple. “Do you hear me, Madeline?”

“I couldn’t come in front of everyone,” she mumbled. She ground her pussy against his hand. She felt so hot. She was going to light up like a crate of fireworks.

“You could have. You just refused,” he muttered, his voice no longer edged with anger. “But you’ll come for me now. Go on, beautiful,” he ordered as he plucked at her upturned lips with his mouth and played her clit with forceful finesse. “You’re juicier than a man’s best wet dream. I’m going to fuck that juicy little pussy as soon as I watch you come.”

His grim, sensual threat finished her. She winced as climax jolted through her, hot and electric. She gave in to it, thrusting her pelvis against his hand, grinding against him, greedy for each blast of bliss that shook her flesh. He watched her while she came. Before she was entirely finished, he placed his hands on her hips.

“Bend over,” he demanded as he turned her, her back to his front.

“Walker . . . this is crazy,” she mumbled. “We can’t.”

“We will.”

They stood in front of an antique vanity and mirror. She saw his blazing eyes in the reflection. She slowly bent over, her gaze glued to his. He flung her dress up to her waist and jerked her thong down so that it fell around the ankle straps of her sandals. This was madness. Utter insanity. She realized she wasn’t sure what the others thought the two of them were doing. Did they know they were both inside this bathroom together engaging in a sexual frenzy?

She watched Walker tearing at his button fly and realized she didn’t care.

He reached into his back pocket before he yanked his jeans off his hips. It should have pleased her that he rolled on the condom, but instead it highlighted the fact that she’d been about to let him come fuck her naked once again. He spread one hand over a bare ass cheek and glanced up, meeting her gaze in the mirror.

“I came in you earlier. I left my mark. You make sure Tony stays away from my territory.”

Her mouth dropped open. She couldn’t believe he’d said that, let alone said it with such fury. There were depths to Walker’s boldness she hadn’t fully comprehended.

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic