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“Why do you have that worried look on your face?” he asked.

“I’m a nurse,” she said, shrugging. “Those things have been known to cause a man a real nightmare when the blood gets constricted and they get . . . stuck.”

She blinked at his brilliant smile. “It’s not a cock ring. And that’s not what I’m using it for.”

“Good,” she said, relieved. “Because you don’t have any problems with . . . you know. Being hard.” And beautiful and . . . delicious looking.

“It’s loose. See?” He wiggled the lasso slightly, proving his point. “I’m not using it to constrict anything. It’s just a limit.”

“A limit?”

He nodded, holding her stare. “You’re only allowed to suck down to the limit. This time.”

Her eyes widened as comprehension dawned. Relief rushed through her. She’d been worried about his size and girth, and he’d realized it. But she could handle this, couldn’t she?

“Come here,” he said, waving his hand in a beckoning gesture t

oward his cock. She bent and lowered her face over his lap, catching his male scent. Her mouth watered and she swallowed thickly. He picked up the lubricant from the mattress and opened it.

“I’m going to put this on the lower part of the shaft,” he explained, his low, gruff voice causing the hair to prickle along her neck. He poured some of the lubricant on his hand. “I’ll see to this, and you’re responsible for the part above the limit,” he explained. “But just watch for a moment, learn a little about what feels good to me.”

She watched from her up-close position, her lungs burning in excited anticipation as he rubbed the shiny liquid up and down on his lower cock. Desire sluiced through her, sharp and breathtaking, at the vision of his big, male hand fisting his cock. He could encircle the girth completely, something she hadn’t been able to do with her own hand. He pumped matter-of-factly, his actions quite forceful, shocking her a little. Every once in a while, he included his balls in his vigorous massage.

The smell of strawberries reached her nose and she inhaled. “It’s scented and flavored,” he said from above her, obviously noticing her appreciative sniff. “I have it specially made with a tincture of fruit extract. Unfortunately for you, tonight you only get the unflavored tip,” he added, and she heard the smile in his voice. “Are you ready to suck?” he asked quietly as he continued to pump his cock.

She nodded fervently. Watching him jack himself was doing strange things to her. She suddenly felt single-minded. The stimulation on her pussy only seemed to amplify her hyperfocus on his cock. Given where he’d put the limit of the lasso, he got more of himself than she did.

She was jealous.

He lifted his left hand while he continued to pump his shaft with the other. He cupped the back of her head and brought her to him. She craned to take him, but he flexed his fingers into her hair, tugging back slightly.

“I’ll instruct you,” he said. She heard the sharp edge to his tone and tilted her head up to see his face. “I’m sorry,” he said, obviously seeing her startled expression. “I want to make sure this isn’t unpleasant for you, or it won’t bode well for the future. But it will also turn me on, to tell you what to do. To tell you what I like. Okay?” he asked more gently.

“Yes,” she agreed, giving him a small smile. If he instructed her, there was less of a chance she’d fail. He was setting up the scenario, in fact, so that she was guaranteed to succeed. A rush of gratitude and warmth for him went through her.

He stared down at her with a rigid focus. “Slip the head into your mouth. Lips nice and firm, hold me like a vice,” he said. “I want to feel that hunger I always see in your eyes firsthand. If you want to show me what I see there right now, you can’t be shy. Suck Emma.”

I want to feel that hunger I always see in your eyes firsthand.

Her lips strained around the head. She tongued him, curious and hungry, pressing to feel his shape. She wetted him, feeling that rim, laving it with a hard pressure . . . loving it. Finding the slit, she pressed, the salty taste of pre-ejaculate spreading on her tongue. He groaned and his pumping hand went faster.

“That’s good. You have a strong little mouth. You’re showing me, aren’t you? How much you want to please me?” he murmured. She slipped her lips up and down on the head, clamping him, affirming her hunger. Her eyes sprung wide when she felt the buzz on her pussy amplify. He’d increased the power on the vibe. A moment later, he pulled gently on her hair, and his cock popped out of her mouth. She moaned feverishly at the deprivation.

“Wet it down to the limit with your tongue,” he instructed gruffly, his hand still moving up and down on the shaft forcefully. She stared at his pumping fist as she licked his cock, tracing a distended vein, bumping against the thin silicone of the lasso—that limit to her hunger. Increasingly, she disliked that limit. She pushed at the thin silicone with the tip of her tongue. He was right; it wasn’t tight. She nudged it farther down his cock, the flavor of strawberries spreading on her tongue . . . sweet, forbidden fruit.

“Emma,” he grunted in warning, pulling back on her head. She looked up at him, her tongue still bathing his cock. His face went tight.

“Fuck,” he muttered, his fist moving faster. He tugged gently on her head and pointed his cock toward her mouth, inserting it between her parted lips. “Show me,” he demanded in a hard tone.

She knew what he meant. He wanted her to demonstrate her desire for him. The realization hit her that fellatio was the perfect way for a woman to do that for a man, if she truly felt it. It was a true surrender, a total abandonment for the pleasure of another . . . a finding of personal gratification in return for giving it. Emma yielded, giving herself to the feeling. Placing her hands on his thighs to give her balance, she sucked him into her mouth, giving her hunger free rein. Her lips bumped against the thin silicone lasso again and again as she squeezed him into her mouth. He filled her, even with the limit, the tip of his cock sliding along the length of her pressing tongue. When she sucked hard, her cheeks brushed against his flesh.

“Aw, yeah, that’s good,” he said in a choked voice. For a moment, his hand was gone from her head. The vibrator buzzed more strenuously, and his hand was back. She moaned in rising arousal and pumped him faster. It felt so good, the pressure on her lips, filling her mouth with his hard, pulsing flesh, the vibrator heating her . . . rewarding her hunger. In a frenzy of arousal, she pushed down harder, bumping her lips against the limit of the lasso, pushing it down slightly, wetting her lips with the lubricant, tasting strawberries on her tongue, gaining a half inch before he pulled back gently but firmly, with his fingers in her hair.

“You’re getting greedy for it, aren’t you, baby?” she heard him say, his voice thick with arousal.

She moaned an affirmative as she thrust her amount of allotted flesh in and out of her mouth, faster and faster.

“Here,” he said, removing his pumping fist from his cock. He reached for her hand and put it where his had been. Instinctively, she tightened it. “You take over then. I like it hard, Emma. Grip me tight. Yeah, that’s right. That’s good.” She squeezed him, both with hand and mouth, pumping him between her lips, the fever in her growing. Her eyelids flickered open when she felt liquid sprinkle against her knuckles. He’d poured additional lubricant on his cock. She gripped him tighter, appreciating the increased ease of the glide. So did he, if his rough moan was any indication. She loved that evidence of pleasing him.

Tags: Beth Kery The Affair Erotic