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She was thankful she wouldn’t have to face Sophia or some of the younger sales associates again. She’d cringe in the presence of their knowing glances and smirks.

Once they were in the car and on Lake Shore Drive, Emma noticed something in the bag he’d set in the backseat. She reached behind her and withdrew the signature box of the perfume she’d been trying on in Macy’s, the one she loved but could never afford.

“The perfume!” she exclaimed, grinning. “You asked Sophia to get it?” He was wearing sunglasses, so she couldn’t see his eyes when he glanced aside at what she held.

“You smelled like straight-up sex when I found you at Macy’s earlier. It might have been partially responsible for what happened back there in the dressing room,” he stated wryly, staring at the road again.

“Really?” she said, letting the box fall back into the bag. “I thought it was really fresh and light, not . . . you know, musky or anything.”

“It was you that smelled like sex, Emma. The perfume was just a nice sideshow.”

* * *

At Vanni’s insistence, she called Amanda’s cell phone and left a message, saying not to expect her home that night. As they neared the Breakers, her excitement about spending the night with him mounted, but so did a niggling doubt.

“Will anyone be there, when we arrive?” she asked him delicately.

He shook his head as he drove down the country road. “No, I called Vera while you were in the dressing room and told her to let the staff go early, and for her to take off as well.”

Emma exhaled with relief. He gave her a swift glance. “Why?” he asked.

“She doesn’t like me. Your aunt. It would have just been . . . awkward to run into her in your house.”

“Has she said something to you?” Vanni asked, scowling darkly as he pulled down the lane that led to his lakefront property.

“She doesn’t have to say anything, Vanni,” Emma said with a short laugh. “She practically oozes loathing every time she looks at me.”

His mouth clamped together as they approached the garage. “I doubt that. But if she makes you uncomfortable, just ignore her. I told you, she can be a bit territorial at times.”

“So she hated other women you’ve seen in the past?” Emma asked as they approached the garage.

Vanni shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of, no,” he said, frowning slightly. “I did notice she seemed especially irritated when I brought you to Cristina’s funeral. I just thought she was set off balance because I was late. Vera is a real stickler for schedules. I unfortunately challenge her desire for order way too often.”

“Well it’s nice to know that I’m the only one who brings out the worst in her,” Emma said lightly, determined not to let Vera Shaw—or anything, for that matter—dampen her mood on this promising, stolen night alone with Vanni.

It turned out that Vanni had asked Sophia to bag a swimsuit to go because he planned an evening swim. He led her to a luxurious shower and changing room on the workout facility floor—not the same one she’d briefly walked into that night when she searched for a washer; this one was apparently just for women. He instructed her how to get to the swimming pool from there, and then told her he’d meet her in a few minutes.

Inside the bag he’d left her she found not only the perfume he’d bought her, but a darling sky-blue bikini, a cute sheer tunic to be used as a beach cover-up, and a pair of flip-flops.

Once Vanni had left, Emma took a quick shower. She was still very wet from what had happened in the dressing room. She washed herself carefully, realizing with a rush of arousal she was rinsing away Vanni’s essence as well as her own. She’d never had a man come inside her. Colin and she had used a condom even though she was on birth control. Emma wasn’t sure why, except to say they’d started out having sex with a condom and hadn’t altered their behavior. She heard so much about safe sex, especially as a nurse. Colin had probably thought her fussy, but he hadn’t complained.

She really was crazy for allowing this level of intimacy with Vanni. As she rinsed away some of his semen from her fingers, however, she admitted to herself that she didn’t regret it.

How could she regret anything in association with him? And it wasn’t as if they hadn’t taken measures to ensure safety.

She got out and dried off. In the shower area, she discovered a vanity with several grooming supplies stored beneath it. She opened a small bottle of mouthwash and used it and applied some deodorant. Knowing it was stupid, because it would only be washed away in the pool, she opened Vanni’s gift of the perfume and applied some behind her ears and at her pulse, smiling when she caught the scent. It felt sensual and indulgent, having a bottle of the coveted fragrance all for herself.

A minute later, she self-consciously examined herself in the mirror, wearing only the bikini and sandals. There hadn’t been much opportunity for her to be in the sun yet this year. She looked far too pale, although her cheeks, lips, and chest were still pink . . . sex-flushed, she realized.

She slipped on the beach cover-up, glad Sophia had the sense to include it.

It was a beautiful summer evening when she stepped out of the changing room door. The sun glinted off the gemlike spread of water, blinding her momentarily. It hadn’t cooled off much since the worst heat of the day, but the breeze from Lake Michigan was refreshing. Clutching a small bottle of sunscreen that she always kept in her purse, Emma descended the outdoor flight of steps that led to the pool level. When she got there, she saw that Vanni was already in the water. He was swimming laps, knifing through the water, his muscled back flashing and gleaming in the bright sun. Emma shed the tunic and flip-flops and sat at the edge of the pool, dangling her legs into the cool water. She smoothed on the sunscreen, distracted by the spectacle of Vanni swimming with such effortless ease. She was rubbing some of the lotion onto her thigh, when he paused at the edge of the pool, swiping his wet hair from his face. He swam over to her in a more casual crawl.

“Don’t let me interrupt you if you wanted to get more exercise,” she said, feeling a little self-conscious in her new swimsuit beneath the hot sun and Vanni’s stare. He grabbed a hold of the side of the pool with one hand, his forearm just an inch from her thigh. Her skin looked shockingly white next to his gilded glory.

“I’m fine. Here,” he said, holding out his other hand. She realized he wanted her to hand him the sunscreen bottle. She gave it to him. His narrowed aquamarine eyes seemed to glow in his burnished face as he studied the label.

“It’s a high enough SPF,” he said approvingly. “You’re very pale.”

Tags: Beth Kery The Affair Erotic