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“Hold your legs back,” he instructed, and she reached for her knees, keeping her hips in place. She was spread wide for him . . . positioned to take whatever he offered her.

“Vanni,” she said in a strangled voice when she saw the expression on his face as he stared fixedly between her thighs. His head lowered and her clit pinched in painful anticipation. It felt unbearably exciting. His face just inches from her sex, he inhaled and turned his head slightly.

“Jesus,” he said thickly, his lips brushing the tender skin on her inner thigh. “So soft.” He parted her labia with his fingers.

Then his mouth was on her sex, and Emma couldn’t stop a muted cry. His tongue burrowed between her labia and laved her clit. It felt warm, firm . . . deliciously decadent and forbidden. She suppressed a moan of pleasure. His mouth closed on her while his tongue continued to stir her clit, his upper lip pressing down firmly on her sensitive tissues. The slight suction he applied made her toes curl and her muscles clench tight.

He groaned, deep and guttural, the vibrations resonating into her sex. He pushed again at the back of her thighs until her knees were nearly parallel with her face. The soles of her feet began to burn in sympathy with her clit as he ate her. Nerves everywhere seemed to sizzle, eager to ignite. His tongued stabbed and pressed, slid and rubbed until a haze of lust and sensuality encompassed her like a dense, warm cloud. She had a fleeting glimpse of her face in the huge mirror across from her and hardly recognized herself, naked and wanton, her lips and cheeks floridly pink, her fingers clutching onto Vanni’s head as if for dear life.

One large hand cupped her ass from below, right along the crack. He lifted slightly, blue-green eyes flickering up to meet her stare. A long finger reached, plunging into her pussy.

“Ohhh,” she exclaimed shakily, unable to unglue her gaze from the vision he made, palming her ass like he might a lush fruit while he sunk his finger and tongue into the sweetness. It was an incredibly lewd vision, but an intensely beautiful one as well.

He applied an eye-crossing suction and moved his head slightly, a growl emanating from his throat. Emma’s eyes sprung wide at the acute stimulation. Then his tongue was back, a brutally precise, firm master.

“Oh God, Vanni . . .” she faded off, drowning in delight as climax loomed. He pushed back on her shins, forcing her knees into the couch near her ears. A helpless keen vibrated her throat. It felt incredible. Unstoppable. He laved her clit ruthlessly.

She broke in climax at the hard pressure, a cry escaping her throat. She bit her lip hard to restrain it, but couldn’t stop whimpering as she shuddered in pleasure. He didn’t let up on her a bit, agitating her clit with his stiffened tongue while she came, demanding every last shudder and shiver of pleasure she had to give him.

Emma checked out of reality for a moment.


She came back to herself when the warm pressure of his mouth disappeared. She opened her eyelids sluggishly, panting. A light sweat sheened her skin. He stood before her, looking down at her with a blazing gaze as he ripped open his button fly. A stab of re-arousal went through her at the vision of his chin, mouth, and upper lip glistening with her juices. He made a hasty jerking motion with his hands and Emma glanced downward. He’d freed his cock. It poked out from beneath the edge of his T-shirt, the smooth, delectable-looking crown bobbing slightly in the air from his brisk movements.

She licked her abraded lower lip—she’d bitten on it forcefully to keep from screaming—watching in stunned arousal as his cock jumped slightly in the air. His eyes narrowed on her.

“Dammit,” he growled. “Come here,” he said tensely, putting out his hand. She reached for him, and he pulled her off the couch to stand before him. She felt a little dizzy and steadied herself by clutching his waist. With no prelude, he immediately cupped the back of her head, palmed her jaw, and swooped down to kiss her. It wasn’t an angry kiss, necessarily, but it felt a little like it was. It was hard and wild and relentless. She was becoming used to his unleashed fierceness during lovemaking . . . or as used to it as a woman could be.

The sensation of his naked, swollen cock against her belly taunted her. She reached up and cupped his erection. The growl he made sounded dangerous. She moaned at the erotic heaviness of him, the smooth, warm skin gloving his arousal so tautly. He kissed her deeper. She tasted herself for the first time in her life, experienced the heady chemistry of her desire twining with his. He drank from her furiously, spearing her with his tongue again and again until Emma felt herself spinning from his dominant possession.

He eventually broke the scalding kiss with a rough groan. “There aren’t enough minutes in the day to do all the things I want to do to you,” he breathed out, white teeth bared. “There isn’t enough time, period.” His thumb pushed against her lower lip, separating it from the upper one. She stared up at him, helpless in her arousal, as he looked down at her mouth, his thumb moving in a tight little circle, his expression hungry as a wolf about to feed.

“You’re going to make me wait again, Emma,” he said, his soft tone highly at odds with his expression.

“For what?” she whispered, confused . . . overwhelmed by his raw, unguarded passion.

“For your mouth. I’m going to have to punish you for making me wait for what I want so much.”

“I’m not making you,” she defended, sliding her fist up and down his hard, pulsing shaft. A muscle leapt in his cheek.

“Oh yes you are,” he said grimly, breaking their close contact and forcing her hand off his cock. “You’re making me want you so much, all I can think about is taking you by storm.”

* * *

He could feel his pulse throbbing in his cock, the resulting ache making him feel a little crazed. Her taste lingered on his tongue, fueling his rabid need. He led her over to the chair, his cock flicking in the air at the vision she made, completely nude, her cheeks and mouth as vividly pink as her pussy had been, her high breasts rising and falling with her erratic breath, her nipples tight and hard. He took both of her wrists and slid her beneath his arm so that she stood before him, her back to his front.

He placed her hand on the back of the armchair gently. It was so bizarre, the way he wanted to touch her with the tenderness of something most cherished, but at the same time, fuck her like an animal. He’d never experienced the paradox before. The sharpness of the resulting friction of his clashing desires clawed at him from the inside. Tempted by the elegant slope of her shoulders and graceful neck, he planted a hot kiss at the juncture of them.

“It’s going to feel so good, being raw inside you,” he lifted his head and met her stare. “I’m going to come in you, and it’s going to feel so blessed good. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she whispered, twisting her chin to face him, her pink lips forming the single word scoring his consciousness. Her dark eyes shone with undisguised arousal. He stepped closer, wincing slightly at the sensation of his cock bumping and sliding across the smooth skin of her lower back.

“Bend over then,” he said, his hands sliding down her ribs, waist, and hips, the sensation of those lush, feminine curves making him grind his teeth together in restraint. Too aroused to speak, he merely opened his hand on the warm, silken skin of her inner thigh. She parted wider for him at his signal. He moved closer behind her, his hands on her ass. He molded her firm flesh into his palms, opening her to him, hearing her whimper. His cock lurched at seeing such a temptation spread before him. He flexed, pushing his leaping cock against her damp, feminine warmth. She gave a surprised squeak and he spread her buttocks wider, his cock unerringly burrowing and finding home. He pierced her with just the tip and groaned.

God it was going to be so fucking good.

He flexed. Despite his almost rabid ardor and her obvious arousal, he felt her tight channel resist him. She made a choking sound, and he soothed her by caressing her silken hip.

Tags: Beth Kery The Affair Erotic