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“I’m going to switch on the vibrator now.”

She tensed and inhaled sharply as the instrument began to buzz, doing its job, stimulating both her clit and vagina. Her skin roughened at the illicit, mechanical caresses. Her nipples tightened.

“You’re exceptionally sensitive.” His quiet, resonant voice rushed over her in the darkness. Her ears tuned in to the sound, made hyperalert by her blind state. “I’m going to turn it down a little.”

Had he noticed the effect the vibrator had on her? He didn’t miss much of anything, she realized, feeling even more naked and vulnerable than she had before.

And even more aroused.

She heaved a sigh of mixed relief and deprivation when the vibrations diminished to a pleasant, tickling hum.

“Now for the fun part,” he said, and she heard the bag rustling as he removed the package of mixed desserts. She turned her head, breathless to hear any clue of what was occurring. She heard a scraping sound—the carton being opened?—and then the crinkling of plastic. Perhaps he was removing some disposable utensils?

“Okay. Challenge number one,” she heard him say. “Open your mouth.”

The tingle in her clit segued to a simmer. She opened her lips, exposing her tongue. Ready. Waiting.


A fork slid across her tongue. She instinctively closed on the morsel of food he’d inserted. He withdrew the fork slowly as her tongue began to absorb the sweet decadence. Her mouth closed, exploring a soft, creamy texture and a thin shell of crispiness.

“Hmmm,” she hummed appreciatively. She smiled. This one was easy.

“Well?” he said, sounding warm and amused.

She took her time before she swallowed. “Banana . . . and chocolate and the richest, yummiest cream I’ve ever eaten in my life.”

Actually, it’d been the most delicious bite of any food she’d had in her life, period. Maybe it was the exquisitely prepared dessert, or maybe it was how primed Vanni had made her senses with his game, but that was the simple truth.

“Very good. But just so you know, I gave you the easiest one first.”

“But I got it right. I get another bite.” He didn’t immediately respond. She felt her nipples prickle in the silence that followed and wondered wildly if he stared at her there.

“Yes. You do,” he said after a pause. “Open your mouth.”

Knowing what it was that was coming didn’t diminish her pleasure. She closed her mouth, and again, he slowly withdrew the fork. He must have noticed her relish the mouthwatering dessert, because she heard his low laughter. It only piqued her sensual feast.

“It’s a banana crème brûlée with chocolate. Okay, you won that one. Are you ready for the next?”

She swallowed and nodded, anticipation and excitement building in her.

“Open your mouth,” he murmured.

She parted her lips, her mouth watering, and waited. Her body tensed in excitement at the first touch of the fork against her flesh. She closed around a remarkably dense and rich cake. A divine, sweet flavor filled her mouth. She chewed carefully, absorbing the flavors with every ounce of attention she possessed. This one was harder. The fruit taste was there, but as more of an accent. The buttery, creamy taste of the cake was at the forefront.

“Well?” Vanni said, after she’d swallowed. She heard amusement in his tone. He was enjoying this. “What fruit?”

“It was definitely a berry. Strawberry?” she asked shakily.

“Close. But no. It’s a raspberry Kugelhopf, a kind of Alsatian cake. Strike one.”

Her pulse leapt at her throat. She heard something rustle on the bed. She suddenly wanted to close her thighs to put a clamp on the pressure mounting at her sex.

“You don’t have to sound so happy about it,” she said breathlessly. Her heart lurched when she felt his hands on her hips.

“I’ll try to keep my happiness to myself,” he replied drolly. He caught the top of her underwear with his fingers and deliberately pulled them down over her ass. He drew them to her thighs and dropped his hands, leaving them stretched between her legs. The skin on her bottom tingled at being exposed to the cool air. The anticipation was killing her. Her lungs burned.

Tags: Beth Kery The Affair Erotic