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“He asked if you were doing all right. He said you looked pale. I told him he should ask you himself how you were. I said that all I knew was that you were up most nights in Tahoe, crying your eyes out.”

“You didn’t,” Colleen declared in an ominous tone.

“Okay, I didn’t,” Deidre said, smiling angelically. “I’d never, you know that. I’ve got your back. Still…you guys should talk. I saw the way he was staring at you. If you seriously believe he was just interested in you for a challenge, you’re nuts.”

Colleen willed her breathing to calm and changed the subject. “Of course you should be in the wedding. You’re Liam’s sister. I have a dress you can wear. Mari and I chose our own dresses—we just made sure the colors and fabric matched in a general sense. I have another dark red dress you can borrow. I’ll do some alterations on it tomorrow.”

They chatted about the possibility until they entered Bistro Campagne and were shown to a reserved room. The wedding party was seated at the front of the room at a long table. Both Colleen and Natalie—who had also just arrived—insisted that Deidre sit at the head table. Colleen was chatting with Deidre and Mari when she noticed Eric enter the room with the kids. She waved at Jenny and Brendan as they sat down at a table with Brigit. Eric sat at the opposite end of the head table. Colleen watched him unobtrusively as he talked and joked with Marc.

“Colleen, did you have a chance to come up with something for your speech for the toast?” Mari asked her in a confidential tone.

She stared at Mari in horror. Oh my God, the toast. They’d agreed that Marc and Mari, as best man and matron of honor, would give the toast at the wedding reception, but Eric and Colleen were responsible for the rehearsal dinner traditional toasts to the bride and groom.

Deidre noticed her horrified expression. “What’s wrong?”

“I thought there was a chance you’d forgotten, with everything going on, and you being away.” Mari glanced at Deidre. “She’s supposed to give the toast tonight.”

Colleen took a large gulp of water. How could she have forgotten?

“Why don’t you let me do it?” Deidre offered blithely.

“You wouldn’t mind winging it?” Colleen asked in amazement as a waiter filled their champagne glass

es. Most of the guests were seated now.

Deidre winked. “You’re talking to an army nurse, remember? Making do with what I’ve got and winging it are my specialties.”

She was relieved to pass the duty on to Deidre. Colleen was used to public speaking engagements for The Family Center, but she liked to have something prepared. The sound of silver tinkling on crystal rung out, and the guests ceased their chatter. Eric stood to make his toast. Colleen was glad to have a valid excuse to stare at him.

“I was given the singular privilege tonight to toast the future happiness of this special couple, Liam and Natalie. I suppose I’m not the typical brother of the bride. I’ve also had the honor to be a father figure to Natalie and to watch her grow into the amazing young woman you see before you today.”

Colleen found Eric’s deep, resonant voice and striking good looks compelling, and she could tell by the many rapt faces in the room, she wasn’t the only one.

“I won’t lie to you and say that I didn’t have my doubts when Natalie and Liam announced their engagement. I was cynical that anyone could be good enough for my little sister. She’s one of the kindest people I know, generous to a fault. A braver soul never existed. There are things she’s endured that would have broken me,” he said, meeting Natalie’s misty stare. He looked at Liam. “If you’ve won such a worthy heart, then you must deserve her. Is it possible for two people to fall so quickly for one another, to know with absolute, unquestionable certainty that this person is who they were meant to spend the rest of their lives with?” Colleen’s heart skipped a beat when Eric’s dark-eyed gaze landed on her and seemed to burn right down to her spirit. “Until recently, I would have said no. I would have denied cynicism and said I was just being rational in doubting the possibility of falling head over heels in love so fast, so completely. I would have said someone who claimed such a thing was not only foolish, but naive.”

He paused, and Colleen held her breath.

“But tonight I gladly admit I was the one who was a naive fool for doubting. Love comes in many ways, if the trusting heart only lets it in.” He raised his glass to the bride and groom. “Join me in toasting happiness and prosperity to a couple who taught this fool a measure of wisdom. To Natalie and Liam, may your brave, trusting hearts continue to beat strong and united for a lifetime.”

“To Natalie and Liam,” the guests murmured before they drank. Eric sat down to enthusiastic applause. The guests demanded a kiss by tinkling their goblets, which Liam and Natalie gladly provided.

“Great, how am I going to follow such a terrific toast?” Deidre grumbled. She did a double take when she glanced at Colleen’s face. She smiled fondly and dried off Colleen’s cheeks with her napkin. “I told you he wasn’t just interested in a challenge.”

Colleen sniffed and leaned forward, glancing down the table, only to see that Eric was doing the same toward her. While she hadn’t been able to read him at all earlier, currently he was an open book. His expression was a little pained, as though he entreated for her understanding.

Maybe it was just the lighting, or maybe it was wishful thinking, but there was something in his dark eyes that looked a lot like love. She recalled his speech.

Love comes in many ways, if the trusting heart only lets it in.

He smiled. She beamed back at him.

It really was amazing, the way they could read each other’s minds at times.

An hour and a half later, Colleen caught Eric’s gaze and he gave a small nod. She entered the restaurant again and found a quiet, deserted hallway. The entire party had gone out into the parking lot to witness Liam and Natalie’s reactions to Lucy. Eric, Brigit, Brendan and Jenny had done an amazing job. Lucy was perched on a trailer, awaiting her new owners, looking shiny and grand, and decked out in festive lights and a banner with Liam and Natalie’s names. Brendan and Jenny were practically bursting with pride. Luckily, the photographer caught some excellent photos of Liam’s and Natalie’s disbelieving, ecstatic expressions when they realized the beautiful antique speedboat was theirs.

Colleen paused in the dim hallway, her heart beating more rapidly by the second. It swelled against her breastbone when she caught sight of Eric approaching her a few seconds later.

“You outdid yourself with Lucy,” she said quietly when he approached and stood before her, looking somber.

Tags: Beth Kery If You Come Back To Me Romance