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He groaned when she did just that, framing his jaw with her hands and sending her tongue into his mouth, submerging herself in his heat and taste.

There was something so elementally right about him.

All of her doubts about whether or not it was a mistake to get involved with Eric faded under the power of his kiss and stroking hands. She forgot her worries about the kids and whether or not she was opening them up for hurt by allowing them to get attached to Eric. Her fears about her own vulnerable heart disappeared as desire surged through it, making it pump fast and strong.

“I’m not going to be able to hold out much longer,” he mumbled a while later as she plucked at his lips and he held her rib cage in his large, splayed hands. “Did you make your rational decision yet?”

“What?” Colleen asked between feverish kisses.

“Your decision. You know…” He paused and delved his fingers into her long hair. He clutched and tugged back gently, stretching her throat back. She moaned softly in protest because the position prevented her from ravishing his mouth more. Perhaps that was his plan, however, because he proceeded to devour her exposed neck, making her tremble in excitement. “The one about wanting more…with me?”

“Oh,” she gasped when his mouth lowered and he kissed the exposed skin on her chest. His hands shifted from her back, cradling her ribs just below the fullness of her breasts. His lips followed the trail of the neckline of her sweater, awakening her nerve endings, making her nipples tighten. Heat flooded her.

“Colleen?” he prompted, lifting his head and spearing her with a smoky stare.

“I…I’m very close to making my decision.”

“Good,” he muttered. “Let me see if I can’t be a bit more persuasive.” He dipped his dark head again and resumed tasting her skin. Colleen sighed in pleasure. He lifted his head a moment later and grabbed her hand. He placed it on his chest.

“I liked you touching me,” he said. “Do it more. Please.”

She acquiesced without hesitation, eager to comply. He leaned toward her again, his gaze fixed hungrily on her mouth, but he paused suddenly, his attention captured by her stroking hand. For some reason, his focused gaze made her all that much more aware of her hand on his chest, her exploration of dense, lean muscle. He leaned back on the couch, and they both watched as her fingertips slid over his right nipple. She explored the tiny, turgid button of flesh, fascinated by the feeling of it through his cotton shirt.

He leaned his head back on the couch and hissed softly. He covered her stroking hand with his own and moved it down over his ribs. She explored the sensations and

textures of him there just as enthusiastically, captivated by his focus on her, feeling his heart beating more rapidly beneath her moving hand.

She laid her cheek on his chest and reached between two buttons. He made a rough, muffled sound in his throat when she touched smooth, warm skin. She’d thought he’d move or say something, but instead he remained completely still as she stroked his ribs, as though her touch had put him under a spell. She felt his skin roughen and felt her power over him in every cell of her being.

He put his hand on top of hers and slowly, gently slid it down over his abdomen. His stomach muscles felt taut and delicious beneath her seeking fingers. Her cheek burned hot next to his chest. She slid her fingers into an opening in the shirt just inches from his belt buckle. He groaned as she stroked him, skin to skin.

Her heart stalled when he put his hand on tops of hers yet again.

She lifted her head from his chest and met his stare. An unspoken message seemed to leap between them. Eric gave a small smile and lifted her hand, pressing his mouth to the center of her palm.

Colleen sighed in mixed pleasure and regret when she heard Jenny calling out to her from the stairs.

“Mommy! Did you bring my pillow inside?”

She gave Eric an apologetic glance and sat up straight, extricating herself from his embrace. “She must be getting tired. She can’t sleep without her special pillow, even though she’d never admit it out loud.”

Warmth surged through her when he chuckled. She was glad he wasn’t offended at being interrupted. Besides, as heated as they’d been getting, it was probably best Jenny chose that moment to require her pillow.

“You go ahead,” he said gruffly, rubbing her upper arm. “I’ll stay here for a moment and…cool down a bit. I should probably get going anyway.”

Heat flooded her already flushed cheeks.

“Oh—” She glanced around when Jenny called again, flustered. She shouted toward the closed French doors. “Just a second, honey! Are you sure?” she asked, turning back to Eric.

Eric nodded. “The evening’s gone great so far. I don’t want to ruin it by having your family catching me mauling you,” he said wryly.

“What about if—” But Jenny was knocking on the door, and Colleen stood to open it. She hustled Jenny out to the hallway to give Eric a moment to collect himself. By the time she’d put on her coat and gone out to her car to retrieve the pillow and duffel bags for the kids’ trip to Chicago, Eric was standing in the foyer putting on his coat and talking to a sleepy Jenny. Jenny thanked her for her pillow and wandered out of the foyer.

Frustration filled her as she set down the duffel bags and faced Eric. Both of them wore their coats. Marc and Mari must be preparing to leave for Chicago, because the sounds of bustling people and voices sounded close by.

“I had a great time,” Eric said in a hushed tone. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“You’re welcome.”

Tags: Beth Kery If You Come Back To Me Romance