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“Can we see Eric’s house, Mom?” Jenny asked eagerly. A chilly lake breeze whipped past them, rustling the remaining leaves on the trees. Jenny shivered.

“I don’t think so, honey,

” Colleen said, tucking a lock of dislodged pale gold hair back into her daughter’s surgeon cap. “It’s getting late. We should get home.”

“Aw, Mom,” Jenny moaned, giving Eric a desperate, pleading glance.

“It’ll only take a moment,” Eric promised. “I want to show you what I’ve been working so hard on, burning the midnight oil. It’s Liam and Natalie’s wedding present. It’s kind of a big deal,” he said when Colleen gave him a doubtful look.

“We have to see it, if it’s for Uncle Liam and Natalie,” Brendan said reasonably, as if Colleen would be off her rocker to suggest anything otherwise.

“All right,” Colleen agreed with a laugh that disguised her hesitance. Why did the idea of entering Eric’s home bother her so much?

Eric surprised her, however, by not leading them toward the front door, but instead to a door to the three-car garage. He flipped on the lights.

“There she is,” Eric said.

Brendan immediately let out a stunned wow. Colleen stepped around Eric in order to see what had delighted Brendan.

“Oh…it’s amazing,” she muttered, stepping closer to the mahogany antique boat perched on a trailer. “It’s a Gar Wood,” she breathed out in admiration, referring to the company that had made the finest custom-made, wooden speedboats in the country. She’d lived in the vicinity of Lake Michigan her whole life, and she came from a family that adored all sorts of water sports—swimming, diving and skiing. She knew a priceless boat when she saw one, and she knew the sleek craft before her not only packed a punch when it came to power, it was a collector’s item to boot.

“Yeah…it’s a twenty-eight-foot Baby Gar. Originally built in 1929. Very rare. She’s named Lucy,” Eric explained as he fondly ran his hand along the hull. “Lucy is a piece of history. Infamous history,” he told Jenny, his dark brows twitching sinisterly, “but history nonetheless.”

“What did Lucy do?” Jenny asked in a whisper, her blue eyes wide.

“She was owned by a cutthroat gang during Prohibition who used her to transport liquor from Canada to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Lucy was so fast, none of the police boats could catch her. Not a one. She became a legend in those parts. Don’t get me wrong,” Eric told Jenny, who was looking a little wary as she surveyed the sleek craft. “Lucy has a heart of gold. It wasn’t her fault she was owned by a band of criminals. She became so famous for her quickness and courage, she was acquired by the Mackinaw Island police department after the gang was arrested, and she served the police loyally for fifty years before she was bought by a man named Albert Ravenswood, who restored her to her full former glory, board by board, about fifteen years ago. Then I bought her.”

“And you’re giving Lucy to Uncle Liam and Natalie?” Jenny asked.

“Yep. It’s their wedding present. I’m giving Lucy six coats of varnish and some antique brass instruments I ordered online. I’ve been busy making everything extra spiffy for Liam and Natalie’s wedding day.”

“Wow,” Brendan repeated, apparently too stunned to say anything else. He began to circle the boat, and Jenny followed him.

“I was going to put on some Christmas decorations for the special day. I thought it went with the wedding theme…what was it? A Lake Michigan Christmas? Do you think they’ll like it?”

Colleen stared at him in amazement, but he seemed entirely genuine in wanting her approval.

“It’s a rare piece of art and history. It’s a Baby Gar. Are Natalie and Liam going to like it? Are you mad? They’re going to adore it.”

She blinked when he smiled. He looked unabashedly happy at her praise.

“I’m glad you think so,” he said as they began to follow the children, circling the boat. “I know the Kavanaughs love all things water-related, and Natalie has always liked boating on Lake Michigan. I thought Lucy’d be a nice addition to their new family. What newlywed couple wouldn’t want some nights together on the lake under a blanket of stars?”

“Now I’m about to accuse you of being the closet romantic.”

His eyes gleamed when he glanced at her sideways. “I just thought they’d like it.”

“You thought right,” Colleen murmured, studying his profile as he fondly inspected the boat. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to let Lucy go?”

“They might have to pry her out of my hands, but, yeah—I think my better nature will prevail. You wouldn’t believe all the effort and drama I went through to get her.”

“It’s an incredibly generous gift, Eric.”

He did a double take. “Do you think it’s too much? I never budged from my bottom line. Besides, an investment I’d made happened to turn out really well, so I had a little extra to spare,” he said modestly.

Colleen considered before she spoke. She didn’t know precisely what a boat like that would have cost, but she was quite sure the price tag would have been astronomical, even with Eric’s bargaining and investment prowess. She wondered how Liam would react to be presented with such a generous wedding gift. She glanced into Eric’s eyes and saw how concerned he was about her reply.

“I think it’s clear how much you love your sister,” Colleen said quietly. “I think it’s obvious how much you want her to have a happy future.” She paused, and they faced one another. “Do I think it’s too much? No. I think it’s an amazing gift to start them off on their new life together.”

Tags: Beth Kery If You Come Back To Me Romance