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Something had changed that night in her living room. Colleen had been forced to admit to herself the obvious. She was attracted to Eric Reyes. Very attracted. Denial of that fact seemed ridiculous, considering what had nearly happened.

Nevertheless, that’s precisely what she’d determined she needed to do.

She wasn’t looking to be in a relationship, and based on Eric’s playboy reputation

, he wasn’t interested in anything serious. He’d more than insinuated, in fact, that he didn’t believe in long-term, serious relationships, period. He’d broken his share of hearts in Harbor Town in the past few years; that much was certain.

Engaging in a dance of attraction with Eric, given their future family connection, was a certain recipe for disaster. It was inevitable they’d have to spend time together for the next few weeks. She would be friendly and cooperative. Even a little flirting wouldn’t be the worst thing on the planet, would it? But that was as far as she’d let it go.

Definitely. Nothing further than casual, surface attraction. End of story.

What she’d said to him Saturday night kept replaying in her mind, making her blush at inopportune moments.

I’m not ready for this. I’m not ready for you.

She’d never been much of a drama queen before. Her little speech struck her as highly embarrassing, given Eric’s casual intentions.

She entered the room and set down the bag and her purse, saying hello to everyone around the table and shaking hands with Lily Celino, the matriarch of the family-owned bakery.

“Sorry I’m late,” Colleen apologized. “There was a Halloween rush at the grocery store.”

“No problem, we just got started,” Lily assured her.

“I see you’re enjoying yourself. I should have known there was some reason you wanted to come,” Colleen commented to Eric archly as he sunk his fork into a slice of red velvet cake. It seemed easiest just to revert back to her typical sarcastic, teasing manner of relating to him. If she gave him the cold shoulder, it might highlight the significance of those steaming minutes in her living room the other night.

He shrugged. “Someone had to be the official taster,” he told her, his eyes sweeping over her appreciatively as she came around the table to sit beside him in the only empty chair. Colleen glanced nervously across the table, hoping Liam and Natalie hadn’t noticed Eric’s warm appraisal. They hadn’t. Liam had a bemused expression on his face as he stared at the elaborate cake design, while Natalie and Lily talked animatedly. Colleen glanced sideways at Eric.

“It’s good, isn’t it?” she asked quietly, referring to the red velvet cake he was sampling. “It’s Jenny’s favorite. She always asks for it on her birthday.”

“She has good taste. It’s the best I’ve tried so far. You were stocking up for Halloween tomorrow?” he asked, nodding at her bag.


“Brendan’s none too pleased with me at the moment,” Eric admitted as he sunk his fork into the red velvet cake again. “I had to tell him he’s not ready to go off the crutches for another week or so. I hated to disappoint him at his appointment today.”

“He’ll get over it. You know how kids are about Halloween. He can’t think of a good costume that will include crutches, that’s all.”

She was distracted by Natalie turning the photo book toward her and asking her advice on several cake designs. By the time they were finished, Liam was looking flummoxed by all the sugary female discussion regarding cake. Eric’s eyes had grown glassy with boredom—or quite possibly from sugar shock, given all the cake he’d eaten, Colleen thought with amusement. She’d learned from Eric over the past week and a half that he jogged regularly. That must be the reason he could consume the equivalent of half a cake and maintain such a lean, muscular build.

“How complicated can it be?” Colleen heard Liam mumble to Eric as they all stood and Lily ushered them out the door. “It’s flour, sugar and eggs. You bake it. You eat it. End of story.”

“I’m glad it’s so simple from the male perspective,” Natalie said, grinning at Colleen as they lingered by the table. She glanced back at the cake book, biting her lower lip uncertainly. “Are you sure the red velvet cake and cream-cheese frosting won’t be too trendy?”

“Absolutely not,” Colleen assured her. “It’s perfect for a Christmas wedding. I’ve always thought the red velvet was Lily’s specialty. Eric voted it as the best cake, as well.”

“Wow. You and my brother agreed on something.”

“And they say miracles don’t occur,” Colleen joked.

Natalie glanced at the door. They were now alone in the back room of the bakery.

“You and Eric seem to be getting along very well. I’m so glad to see it,” she said quietly.

“He’s all right. He doesn’t have to be right one hundred percent of the time, like I used to think. It’s more like ninety percent.”

Natalie laughed. “You must be getting to him. My odds are much worse.” Colleen joined her in laughter.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, Natalie,” she said as she retrieved her purse and bag.

Tags: Beth Kery If You Come Back To Me Romance