Page 44 of Flirting in Traffic

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“It has,” Molly confirmed. “Her doctor made a point of telling me when we went last week. I made a special appointment because of these periods of irritability. It’s out of character for Glory.”

“Did you tell your doctor that you’ve been exercising regularly?” Esa asked Glory when she finished her juice.

“I think so,” Glory replied.

“I made a point of telling him if Glory didn’t,” Molly said.

Esa frowned and took the glass from the now exhausted-looking older woman. If it was true that Glory had lost twelve pounds like she’d reported so proudly to Esa earlier tonight, then her doctor should have questioned her extensively about it as well as her exercise routine and then reevaluated Glory’s medication requirements.

Too many physicians—especially the younger ones—were prejudiced when it

came to matters of older adults, automatically assuming that any exercise or activity that a woman Glory’s age undertook would be minimal and, while beneficial to health, nowhere near the strenuous health club routines they considered to be “real” workouts. But one only had to glance at Glory to know that she was a strong, athletically inclined woman who would do everything she undertook with passion and dedication. Undoubtedly Finn’s grandmother could leave Esa in a panting, quivering heap as she ran laps around her at the gym.

It irritated the heck out of Esa knowing how many of her colleagues refused to either recommend meditation to their patients or take into account the sometimes significant effect regular practice had on blood pressure and overall health. The results weren’t the same for everyone, of course, but regular meditation had a profound effect on some patients.

Esa refrained from spewing out her anger at incompetent doctors and focused on being productive, however.

“My advice is that you make an appointment first thing in the morning with your doctor,” Esa said as she set the Accu-Chek monitor down on the bedside table. “Your medication dosage needs to be looked at in light of your regular exercise and weight loss. What you’ve just experienced is the irritability, cold sweats and lethargy that comes from extremely low blood sugar. If you like, I can make a recommendation for an excellent physician in your area who specializes in treating older adults. In the meantime, Glory, five small meals per day—and no skipping meals to look good in an outfit.”

“Finn told us that you were in publishing,” Molly said bemusedly.

“Finn’s a fool then,” Glory mumbled groggily. “She’s obviously a nurse or a doctor. I’ll wager a doctor from that high-and-mighty tone. How Finn could have brains enough to earn a master’s degree both in engineering and architecture and not know what the woman he’s seeing does for a living is beyond me.”

Esa started in surprise.

“Oh, good,” Molly said when Finn walked into the room holding a paper plate. Mary Kate followed, an anxious look on her face. “Give that to Glory, Finn. Her blood sugar is low.”

“All four of you aren’t going to stand there and stare at me while I eat, are you? Go on and enjoy the party. I’m pooped, I’m going to bed after I finish this,” Glory said through a mouth full of bratwurst and bun a moment later.

Molly waved them out of the room. “Go on, you three. I’ll stay and help her get out of her costume. And thank you, Esa.”

“I’ll leave you a note with the name of that physician recommendation, if you’d like it,” Esa said softly.

“I would…very much. Thanks again,” Molly added, a warm, genuine look of gratitude shining from her green eyes before she closed the door after them.

Chapter Fourteen

Finn leaned against the counter in the kitchen and watched through narrowed eyelids as Esa conferred privately with Rachel in the corner, their communication too soft to be overheard but emphasized by hisses, frowns and sparking brown eyes. The only words he’d been able to make out so far had been uttered by Rachel and had completely confused him instead of throwing any light on the strangeness of the evening.

He’s the one who called me. Why shouldn’t I be able to at least ask him about such a juicy tidbit? If neither of you will tell me, who will?

Esa had responded with so much passion that her hair bounced around her shoulders as she energetically shook her head and whispered heatedly. After a moment of bearing her sister’s wrath, Rachel appeared to tune her out using some trait universally acquired by younger siblings. Esa ranted while Rachel leaned back and studied Finn with frank curiosity. When he shifted uncomfortably under her gaze she suddenly gave him a bright, warm smile.

He’d immediately known that the stranger in the kitchen was Esa’s sister because of her mane of auburn hair. It fell midway down Rachel’s back in soft waves that framed a heart-shaped face but it was the precise color of Esa’s. Rachel was several inches shorter than her sister and more delicate in overall appearance.

The acid glance of pure distaste that Rachel threw his brother Jess when he walked through the kitchen door with Carla behind was hardly demure, however.

Jess leaned on the counter next to him. Carla rushed across the large room to the corner and joined the symphony of feminine hisses.

“Grandma Glory okay?” Jess murmured.

“She’s fine now. Her blood sugar was low. Esa thought to check it with the blood glucose monitor.”

Jess grunted distractedly as his gaze returned to the huddle of women. Esa glanced around furtively at Finn and then turned quickly to retort to something Rachel had just whispered.

“Maybe we should go out on the terrace. I feel like I’m watching some kind of secret female ritual.”

“No way,” Finn replied grimly. “I’d do just about anything to figure out Esa at this point, even if that means spying on a family squabble.”

Tags: Beth Kery Erotic