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“I love you,” he said, apology shining in his eyes.

“You remember?” Confusion swirled in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

“Of course I remember. I was joking. It was supposed to be a joke to see if you’d own up to it.”

“A test.” My brow went up. “You mean it was a test?” I batted his chest. Hard.

“No...” The blood drained from his face. “Shit. I screwed up, babe. Forgive me?” His eyes went soft, his bottom lip sticking out.

“Don’t do that to me, Asher. Don’t make a game out of how we feel about each other.” My hands glided up his collarbone, looping around his neck. “I might be strong, but it doesn’t mean you can’t break me.”

“I’m sorry.” He covered my face in closed-mouthed kisses. “I’m a dumbass who doesn’t think. I remember everything about last night. Well, the important bits.” Asher leaned down, running his nose along my cheek, his mouth lingering at my ear. “I remember how it felt being inside you in the limo.”

His teeth grazed my lobe and I felt him grow hard at my stomach. “Ash...” I licked my lips. “Maybe we have time to—”

“Rise and shine, lovers. If you’re not out here in five, I’m coming in,” Jason yelled. “Consider yourselves warned.”

“Ugh.” Asher rolled off me and flopped down on the bed. I giggled into his arm.

“We should get dressed.”

“He’s such a fucking cockblock.”

“We have time,” I said, stroking my finger up the cut lines of his torso.

“Time, you think we have time?” His eyes simmered with possessiveness. “I don’t want time, Mya. I want forever.”

I gulped hard. The weight of his words pressing down on me.

On us.

But yet again, I was saved by another knock at the door. “Guys.” It was Hailee this time. “I’m not sure I can keep Jason out any longer.

“Coming,” I called. “We’ll be right there.”

Before Asher could grab me again, I slipped off the bed and grabbed some clothes before disappearing into the adjoining bathroom. The door clicked shut, the sound ricocheting through me. It was one thing to declare our feelings for each other... but to want forever... that was something else entirely.

Part of me wanted to believe Asher was joking; making some flippant spur of the moment comment. But the other part knew better.

Asher Bennet didn’t let people in. He guarded his heart—his truths—with wit and humor. Even his best friends in the whole world didn’t know about his dad.

But I did.

Asher had trusted me with his deepest darkest secrets. So when he looked me in the eye and told me he wanted forever, I believed him.

Even if it was crazy.

“Fee, baby, this looks really good, but I’m not sure I can stomach it.” Asher groaned, pushing away the plate of food and dropping his head on the counter.

“It’s not like I cooked it.” She chuckled. “All I did was serve it.”

“Still, it looks great,” I said, digging into my plate of bacon and pancakes. A glass of water and a couple of Advil had worked wonders on my hangover.

“Ash, man, I know you’re hurting right now, but please stop calling my girl ‘Fee, baby’.”

“Don’t be such a caveman,” Flick rolled her eyes at him.

“Yeah, Jase,” Asher mumbled from his arm. “Don’t be such a caveman.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance