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I’d assumed she was wearing one of those cleverly disguised strapless bra things.

“Are you trying to kill me?” I groaned again, earning me a soft chuckle.

“It’s almost midnight,” she said, tilting her face so that her lips almost touched mine. “I want you inside me when the clock strikes twelve.”


Fucking fuck.

I almost exploded right there and then. My eyes darted wildly around the room, desperately searching for somewhere—anywhere—I could make her wish, and all her dreams, come true. Because while I wanted nothing more than to sink deep inside of Mya, I drew the line at fucking her in public.

My eyes found Jase over the crowd and he smirked, as if that fucker could read my mind. I flipped him off. He pulled out his cell and typed something, my own cell vibrating to life seconds later. Discreetly, I dug it out of my pocket.

* * *

Jase: The car is out back. You can thank me later.

* * *

Me: Do I even want to know how you know that?

* * *

Jase: I like to be prepared.

* * *

I laughed at that. Smug bastard. Before I could type a reply, the screen lit up again.

* * *

Jase: I know I give you shit but I’m happy for you, man. Now go before I rethink my offer… happy new year!

* * *

Me: Thanks, I owe you.

* * *

Mya brushed my cheek with her nose as I pocketed my cell phone. “Please tell me that was our fairy sexmother?”

Fairy sexmother?

What the actual fuck?

“Who are you right now?” I stared at her with a potent mix of awe and lust.

“I’m just a girl who needs her boyfriend.”

“Come on.” Tangling our fingers together, I led Mya away from the dance floor. We didn’t stop for our friends, or for the DJ as he announced the five-minute warning to the official countdown, and we sure as shit didn’t stop for security as they yelled at us not to go through the emergency exit.

We spilled out into the night, the sleek black limo that had brought us to the club right where Jase had said it would be.

“Seriously?” Mya said, her brow arched. “I thought we’d go to the bathroom or something.”

My lips curved mischievously. “Consider it a gift from your fairy sexmother. Now,” I yanked the door open for her, “get inside before I fuck you on the hood of it.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance