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“Mya seems to be enjoying herself.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “It’s like when it’s just us, or we’re with you guys, things are great.”


“But not everyone’s happy about us. You know what Rixon is like, what the kids at school are like. Hell, even some of the guys on the team give me shit about liking Mya.”

“They don’t mean anything by it.”

“Don’t they? You think I don’t see how people look at us?”

“They’re just curious, man. It’s nothing personal.”

“It feels fucking personal.” I scrubbed my jaw, glancing back at the girls. “You saw how surprised Riley and Vaughn were, and they live here.”

Wasn’t New York like the city of diversity or something?

“Did they say something to you?”

“Riley? Nah, he was just surprised. I know he doesn’t give a rat’s ass who I’m with. But Vaughn made it obvious she didn’t approve.” My jaw clenched. Vaughn had since apologized for her initial reaction to Mya, but the damage was already done, and the two of them had steered clear of one another during the pre-club drinks back at the penthouse.

“I just thought we could come here and leave all the bullshit back in Rixon. But it’s never going away is it? There will always be people who look at us together and disapprove.”

“Fuck them all. They don’t matter,” Cam said. “People will always cast judgment. But you’re better than that. Rise above it and just do you.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “I see the way you look at Mya, you’re in deep with her.”

“Gone,” I said quietly. “I’m totally gone for her.”

It was fucking terrifying how strongly I felt about her. How desperately I wanted to make this thing between us work.

Despite all the obstacles stacked against us.

“Then that’s all that matters. The rest is all white noise.”

But it wasn’t. It was incessant chatter, a constant hum in the background that, no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t ignore.

“She told Hailee and Flick she’s applied to Cleveland,” Cam went on. “You know, it’s only a couple hours from Pittsburgh.”

“I know.” I curved my hands around the railing.

“So, how do you feel about that?”

“Relieved.” So fucking relieved. “But my old man isn’t going to be impressed.”

“What’s it got to do with your dad?”

“I...” The words were right there. Tell him. Just rip off the Band-Aid and tell him.

Before I could get them out, Cam’s expression darkened. His eyes narrowed past me. “Fuck,” he hissed.

“What is—” I turned just in time to see some douche put his hands on Mya.

I took off, shouldering past a few people, ignoring Cam’s yells as I hurried down the stairs and onto the dance floor. I’d lost Mya and the girls in the crowd, but I could just make out the tall fucker who had put his hands on my girl.

Anger swam in my veins as I pushed and jostled bodies out of the way, bursting through the crowd. “Touch my girl again and you’ll...” The words dried on my tongue as I took in the scene before me. Mya was all up in the guy’s face as he clutched his junk, eyes watering, face contorted in agony.

“You fucking bitch,” he seethed.

I wedged myself between them, murder in my expression. “What the fuck did you just say?”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance