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“I’m not kissing you, Jase. No fucking way.”

“Don’t be such a pussy. I’ve seen your dick more times than I can count. What’s a little kiss between friends?”

“You’ve lost your goddamn mind,” I ground out as Jason stood up, coming around the couch toward me. “Keep your drunk ass away from me.”

“You know he’ll win,” Cam said. “Might as well get it over with.”

“Thanks for the help, man. Big fucking thanks.” I jabbed a finger at Jase, warning him to stay back, but the huge drunken idiot launched on top of me, pinning me to the couch.

Laughter exploded all around us as I tried to wrestle him off, but the motherfucker was just too strong. He caged my body, using one of his hands to grip my face. “Just one little kiss, pucker up.”

“Jason, get the hell—” His mouth pressed down on mine, hard and wet and as weird. as. fuck. I went still, clamping my lips together to avoid an accidental slip of the tongue. Shoving with all my might, I slammed my body forward, sending Jase falling back onto his ass.

“Don’t ever do that again.” I smeared his kiss off my lips with the back of my hand. He clambered to his feet, a shit-eating smirk plastered over his face.

“Aww, don’t be so sensitive. You’ve got pretty nice lips… for a guy.”

Cam snorted beside me and I levelled him with a look that said, ‘you’re next’.

“That was… wow, I did not expect that to happen.” Flick looked a little flushed. Her eyes dancing with a mix of surprise and curiosity. “Okay, I guess it’s our turn. Mya…”

“Felicity.” She smirked at her friend, gently cupping her face.

The two of them inched closer, and I found myself sitting straighter again. They were almost nose to nose, lips to lips, when they both turned their head at the last second and grinned. “Gotcha.”

“I can’t believe you actually thought we’d do it,” Felicity added around a smug grin.

“You tricked us?” Jase growled.

“And you fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Want your balls back now?”

“You’re in so much trouble, babe.” He advanced toward her, but she edged backward.

“It was a joke, Jase. Don’t be so—”

“You’d better run.”

“Oh shit.” Flick spun on her heel and took off out of the door, laughter drifting back to us as Jason took off after her.

“I guess we won’t see them again tonight,” Mya said, her eyes sliding to mine. “Am I in trouble too?”

Heat trickled down my spine. “Do you want to be in trouble?”

She came over and climbed on my lap, tucking her body tight to mine. “Would you be disappointed if I said I want to hang out with Cam and Hailee and just enjoy being a normal couple?”

“Actually,” I pecked the end of her nose. “That sounds pretty damn perfect to me.”


“Mya, I’m home,” my aunt’s voice rang out, startling me.

I let out a heavy sigh. This was one conversation I knew I couldn’t escape. What was it that Felicity had said ‘rip it off like a Band-Aid’? Only I was pretty sure this Band-Aid was going to leave a deeper cut.

I found Aunt Ciara in the kitchen, unpacking a small bag of groceries. “A little help.” Her eyes widened with meaning, and I chuckled, setting to work alongside her.

After a couple of silent minutes, she huffed out, “For the love of Jesus, Mya, spit it out.”

“How do you do that?” I asked.

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance