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Jason was the stuff legends were made of and there wasn’t a single person in the room who didn’t believe he was going all the way to the NFL.

“I wish I could say this is good news, but honestly, after the last few months, I’m not sure you’ll agree.”

Jase stiffened beside me and Cameron shot me a frown.

“The news won’t break officially until this afternoon, but I’ve been given permission to tell you first.” Coach paused, stress lines crinkling his eyes. Whatever he was about to say wasn’t good. Which meant it could only be about one thing.

Lewis Thatcher and the Rixon East Eagles.

“Formal charges are being brought against Lewis Thatcher. I also learned this morning that Washington pulled his scholarship.”

“Fuck yeah,” someone hollered as the guys began discussing Coach’s announcement.

“Did you know?” I whispered to Jase who was still as statue beside me.

“No,” he clipped out, his expression strained.

“Hey, man,” that was Cameron. “This is a good thing.”

“They’ll probably want Hailee to testify.”

“Shit, I didn’t—”

“Bring it in,” Coach yelled. “I’m not done yet.”

There was more?

I wasn’t sure Jason could take anymore, volatile energy rippling off him in dark waves. I couldn’t blame him though. If Thatcher had come after my sister and put his hands on my girl, I would’ve wanted blood too.

“There has always been a bitter rivalry between Rixon and Rixon East. It’s older than you or me. But Principal Finnigan, and Principal Castrol over at East, have decided it’s time to lay the past to rest and make an example of what happened this semester. Rivalry on the field is one thing, but when it spills out into the community and starts affecting innocent people that is unacceptable.” His hard gaze found the three of us. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Sir,” everyone grumbled in unison.

Coach continued. “Both Principals have decided that, in a show of good faith, an exhibition game will be held in the new year to raise funds for a local charity that supports young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing.”

“You expect us to play them again?” someone balked but Coach didn’t get a chance to answer because Jason stormed out of the locker room, letting the door slam behind him.

Coach let out a resigned sigh. “Can I trust the two of you to handle that?” he said to me and Cameron, and we nodded. “This isn’t an opt in, opt out scenario. Principal Finnigan made it very

clear he expects everyone to play, especially the senior players.”

“Leave it to us, Coach,” Cameron said, going after him. I lingered, confused about what he was saying.

“You too, Bennet. Principal Finnigan agreed you’ve served your punishment.”

“I’m playing?” I didn’t know how I felt about that.

“You’re still a Raider, are you not?

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then you’re playing. Now go, make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” With a sharp nod Coach Hasson dismissed me, and I took off after my best friends.

It didn’t take long to find them. I only had to follow the sound of raised voices outside the gym.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Jase ground out, his back to me. “You’re taking his side?”

“I’m not taking anyone’s side,” Cameron shot back. “But you really want to piss Finnigan off when we’re so close to being done with senior year? It’s one game. And maybe they have a point, maybe after everything, this is a good thing. Set a good example for the younger players coming up through the ranks.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance