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“What can I get you, Mya?” Leroy asked.

“Just a soda pl—”

“She’ll have a proper drink, like me.”

“Shona, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I glanced around her house. Every inch of space was crammed with bodies and I couldn’t help but notice there wasn’t a single white person anywhere.

It wasn’t something I’d ever noticed before.

But that was before. When I’d lived for my best friend’s parties, When Fallowfield Heights still felt like home. When I didn’t feel the need to permanently watch over my shoulder for any signs of trouble.

“Hey,” Jesse’s hand landed on my shoulder, “You’re good here. Jermaine knows better than to come around causing trouble.”

“I know.” I gave him a tight smile. “I’m a’ight.”

“Good. So how is it livin’ out in the country? Shona says you’re at some fancy ass football school.”

“It isn’t exactly fancy, but they sure do love football.”

“They treating you right? Or do I gotta roll up on your new classmates and give them a little warning, Jesse Byrd style?”

Fighting a smile, I replied, “It’s mostly been okay.”

“Mostly?” His brow rose.

“I’m a four percenter.”

“Huh?” Confusion crinkled Jesse’s eyes but Leroy returned with our drinks, saving me an explanation. Taking a sip, I was relieved to find barely any trace of liquor. The last thing I needed was to end up drunk.

Just in case.

The opening beats to the latest Drake song blasted through the speakers causing Shona to shake her booty. “Dance with me.” She grabbed Leroy’s hand and all but dragged him into the middle of the room.

“Damn, she never listens.” Jesse shook his head in mild disgust.

“Has she ever?” I chuckled watching her grind up on Jesse’s friend. He’d looked bewildered at first, but it didn’t take long before his actions mirrored hers, his hands running up and down her body as they moved and popped to the sultry beat.

“She tell you about Jermaine getting kicked out of school?”

I nodded, pressing my lips together to stop myself from going there.

“He’s in deep with Diaz. Be careful, Mya.”

“I’m a big girl, Jesse.” My eyes slid to his. “I can take care of myself.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it.” His eyes danced with amusement. “But you’re like family to me, always will be, and I’d hate to see you get hurt again.”

My breath caught in my throat. We’d never talked about what happened, but Jesse had been there when Shona found me. He’d driven us to the ER. Had almost lost it that nig

ht, wanting to go find Jermaine and beat the crap out of him for putting me in harm’s way. Between me and Shona, we’d managed to convince him not to do anything reckless. Jesse Byrd might have been six feet two of pure muscle and brawn, but he was no match for Diaz and his crew.

“I’ll be okay, promise.”

He didn’t look convinced, but he knew me well enough to drop it. We watched Shona and Leroy practically dry fuck until Jesse finally snapped. Grunting under his breath, he stormed toward them, ripping his baby sister away from his friend. She flounced over to me and grabbed her drink, hardly fazed.

“He needs to lighten the hell up.”

“You two were getting pretty hot out there.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance