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“You,” she said softly. “I just want you.”

“You have me, all of me.”

“Show me.” Her eyes flared with lust.

“Show you?” I arched a brow. “It would be my pleasure.” Guiding her down onto the bed, I settled over Mya and brushed my nose over hers, pecking her lips. Letting my tongue slide into her mouth, pouring every ounce of love I felt into her. We’d made it. We’d overcome the odds.

Our past and present had collided in a way neither of us saw coming, but the future?

The future was ours.


Three months later...

“Mya Hernandez,” Principal Finnigan called my name and I moved across the stage, the chorus of cheers and whistles making my cheeks heat. My eyes found Asher across the stage where he stood with the rest of our graduating class, his eyes alight with happiness.

“I love you,” he mouthed, and I grinned. God, I loved him. I loved his over the top boyfriend antics and the way he wasn’t afraid to tell me he loved me every second of every day.

I loved him so much I was already dreaming of crazy things like moving into our first apartment and getting married and having cute blue-eyed, blond-haired, dark skinned babies.

I was that girl now.

Completely smitten. Completely gone.

Completely his.

And I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

After everything that had happened with Jermaine, Julia, and Asher’s dad, and even Kellie Ginly, I knew we could weather whatever storm hit us next. Because I wasn’t naïve; I knew there would be other people out there who didn’t approve of our relationship.

They could all go fuck themselves for all I cared.

Asher Bennet was mine, and I was his.

And nothing was ever going to change that.

“Fuck, you looked hot out there.” Asher hooked his arm around my waist and attacked my mouth, planting big wet sloppy kisses all over my face.

“Ash...” I chuckled, pressing my hands against his chest. “Stop, we’re in—”

“Don’t care, babe.” His warm breath tickled my ear. “I don’t fucking ca—”

Someone cleared their throat and we both turned slowly to find Mr. Bennet standing there glaring at us. “Dad,” Asher mumbled. “Your timing is impeccable as always.”

“Asher,” he regarded his son. “Mya.”

Mr. Bennet no longer looked at me like I was dirt on his shoe, but he hadn’t exactly welcomed me into the family with open arms either. He was amicable. Polite and civil, but he made no efforts to get to know me.

Strangely, I was okay with that.

He needed to focus on his wife and helping her heal. Even if he had a problem with me still—and part of me knew he probably did—Julia called the shots now. And she loved me in a way I never saw coming.

In a way I wasn’t sure I deserved.

“Is Mom—”

“A- Ash.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance