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“Hey, Mya.” Hailee hugged me next, concern radiating from her.

“How is he, really?” I asked, my eyes finding the two people who would know better than anyone. But I was greeted with silence.

Eventually Jason cleared his throat. “I’ve got to go, catch you later.” He kissed Flick before heading off into the building.

“Did I do something wrong?” I clutched the strap of my backpack.

“It’s not you.” Felicity gave me a warm smile, but I knew she was lying. Jason blamed me. Just like everyone else in town.

“I have a meeting with Miss Hampstead, I’ll see you later.” Hurrying away from them, I kept my eyes down, trying to block out the low hum of whispers following me.

I heard she’s in a gang.

The bullet was meant for Asher instead.

She should just go back to where she came from before anyone else ends up hurt.

But my once thick skin was worn now and no matter how much I tried to ignore them, their voices only rang louder.

“Mya, come in.”

Miss Hampstead liked to provide service with a smile, and today, despite the circumstances, was no different. I guess that was a prerequisite of being the school guidance counselor; you smiled regardless.

“How are you?”

“I’m holding up, if that’s what you mean.”

“And Asher, is he—”

“Asher is focusing on his mom right now.”

She flinched. “Of course. Well, I really just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how quickly rumors circulate the halls at school let alone the town.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Four months ago, I would have believed that. But that was before Asher had smashed through my walls and buried his way deep inside my heart.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Her expression softened as she relaxed in her chair.

“What is there to say?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Lots of things I should imagine. How did seeing Jermaine again make you feel? How do you feel now he’s been arrested with the probability of spending a long time behind bars? I should imagine it’s put a huge strain on your relationship with Asher. Maybe we should start there?”

“You want to know how I feel?” Miss Hampstead nodded and I sighed. “I’m tired.” My lips thinned, a vortex of emotion swirling inside me.

“I’m tired of people thinking they know about me, about my life. I’m tired of being judged on the color of my skin and not what’s beneath it. I’m tired of people asking me how I am, knowing that they probably won’t like my answer. But most of all, I’m scared. I’m so scared that Juli... Mrs. Bennet won’t pull through and that I’ll lose Asher for good and that I’ll never be able to walk down the street again without people looking at me like I’m the one who pulled the trigger. So yeah, that’s how I’m feeling.”

Silence enveloped us as my words, my pain, hung heavy in the space between us.

“That’s... a lot to carry around with you.”

I drummed my fingers against my thigh, desperate to escape her small office, even if part of me wanted to stay here forever.

“Maybe some time off—”

“You think I should hide?” I scoffed, indignation skittering up my spine. “That’s your solution?”

“Mya, calm down.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance