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“We’re done,” I said, remembering all the pain and heartache he’d caused. “Nothing you say or do will change that.” Stepping back, I hugged myself tight, creating a wall between us.

Jermaine went to close the distance, but I thrust out a hand. “Come any closer and I’ll scream, and someone will call the police.” I was surprised Mr. Bennet hadn’t already.

“You wouldn’t,” he drawled, the surprise in his eyes contradicting his words.

“Try me.”

“Shit, Mya, you’ve changed.”

“Yeah,” I lifted my chin in defiance. “well, so have you.” Turning to leave, I spotted my friends in the window of Bell’s watching through the blinds. I didn’t expect to see them standing there. I didn’t expect Jermaine to grab my wrist forcefully and yank me back.

And I didn’t expect my boyfriend’s friend to fly out of the bar and tackle Jermaine to the ground.

But if I’d learned anything about Asher and his friends in my short time in Rixon, it was to expect the unexpected.


I hauled ass after Jason but he was too quick. He’d knocked Jermaine out of the way before I could reach them. The two of them started going at it, fists flying and bone crunching. Cameron appeared just as the other two guys pounced. There wasn’t time to think. I’d had enough scuffles on and off the field to know that if a fist was flying at your face, you either ducked and tried to make a run for it, or you hit back. I threw my knuckles straight into one guy’s face and his head snapped back, pain splintering through my wrist.

“Motherfucka,” he grunted, trying to grab me. I dodged his reach and tried to get to Jason who was still whaling on Jermaine, the two of them trading insults as well as fists. Felicity had her arms wrapped around Mya who looked desperate to step into the fray and I shot her a pleading look to stay put.

“The police are on their way,” someone yelled, but it wasn’t the three of us who needed to worry. We were Rixon through and through and I knew the attending officers would take one look at us and know who we were.

“You need to walk away, Son,” Dad commanded, but I ignored him, jogging over to Jason. Blood dripped from a deep cut in his lip, but he didn’t look worried. Once upon a time, he’d lived for this shit.

“You should go before the five-o arrive,” I ground out. Jermaine flashed me a wolfish grin.

“Me and you, preppy, let’s go.” He bounced on the balls of his feet, taunting me with his eyes and crooked finger. “Come on, you know you want to.”

“Jermaine,” Mya cried as Hailee and Felicity tried to pull her away. “Just go.”

“You should listen to him, man.” Jason hacked a mouthful of blood and spat it out at his feet. “This is our territory. Raider territory.”

But Jermaine’s eyes were set on me, jealousy etched into his expression. “Bet it kills you knowing I had her first. Once you taste black you never go—”

Several people yelled as my fist drove straight into his nose. Jermaine staggered back, blood splattered over his face and hoodie.

“You’re dead, motherfucka.” He pointed two fingers at me and pulled the trigger. Mya rushed to my side, yanking me backward by the arm just as sirens sounded at the end of the street.

“J, let’s roll,” one of his guy’s said.

“Yeah, a’ight.” He scratched his jaw, indecision flickering in his eyes. He didn’t want to leave Mya, to walk away; but to everyone’s relief he did. The three of them piled into a beat-up Chevy and peeled out of the parking lot.

“What the hell were you thinking, Jason?” Felicity shrieked, throwing herself into his arms. He tipped his head at me, understanding passing between us.

He had my back.

Which meant he had Mya’s back.

“Are you okay?” Mya asked, gently cradling my hand in hers. My knuckles were split open, blood seeping through my fingers. “You need this looked at.”

The adults swarmed us, the moms fussing over us like we were little kids needing some TLC, while the dads quietly watched on, waiting for their opportunity to strike.

My father would never let me hear the end of this. He’d told me as much inside, when Mya left to talk to Jermaine. It’s why Jason had gotten to them first; something I wouldn’t forgive myself for in a hurry.

“Ash... please, say something.”

But I couldn’t bring myself to look at her. I was angry and confused and my hand hurt like a bitch.

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance