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“Me gots to behave if I want to be a big boy.”

“That’s right, buddy.”

“Cam?” A little grin tugged at his mouth.

“Yeah, Xan?”

“Do you kissy Ailee still?”

Quiet laughter came from the dreary end of the table and I peeked around Felicity and Jason at Asher. A half-smile barely hid his amusement. But when his eyes met mine, it melted away replaced with regret.

God, I hated this.

I hated that Jermaine, and his dad, and my aunt, had the power to come between us so easily.

I hated that no matter how much we tried to be strong, there would always be something—or someone—trying to come between us.

Asher looked away first, giving the server his full attention. Cameron’s mom offered me a knowing smile, but it did little to ease the tightness in my chest, because not only did I have to survive this dinner.

I also had to survive seeing Jermaine again.

For the next hour, I ate and smiled and pretended that on the inside it wasn’t killing me to sit there and act as if everything was okay.

In some ways, it was a relief I wasn’t seated closer to Asher and his parents. Xander provided constant amusement, entertaining us with his random toddler outbursts, and Mr. and Mrs. Chase were both warm and friendly, treating me with the respect Mr. Bennet hadn’t afforded me. But I’d kept an ear on the conversation between Asher’s and Jason’s parents. Surprisingly, Mr. Ford didn’t bring up football, and I wondered if Jason had warned him to not mention it.

“A toast,” Mr. Bennet’s deep voice commanded our attention. He stood up, glass raised. “To good friends and future adventures.”

Everyone lifted their drinks, a collective chorus of, “good friends and future adventures,” echoing around us.

He was a good actor, giving no hint at the real man hiding beneath an expensive suit and fat checkbook.

“You’re all welcome to join us back at the house for a nightcap.”

“Oh, we couldn’t possibly,” Cameron’s mom said. “We have to get this little monster home to bed.”

“Of course,” Mrs. Bennet gave her friend a weak smile.

“Kent, Denise?”

“Not tonight, Andrew. Early start in the morning. But thank you for dinner. You didn’t have to pick up the tab.”

“Don’t be silly, Kent. What’s a little dinner between friends?” They shook hands and Jason’s dad helped Mrs. Raine-Ford into her coat.

I stood too. “I’m going to go,” I said to Hailee and Felicity. The sooner I met with Jermaine, the sooner I could try to put today behind me.

“Thank you for a lovely dinner.” I forced myself to look at Mr. Bennet. His jaw clenched as he gave me a brief nod.

“Goodnight, Mya.” Mrs. Bennet rose, beckoning me around the table. I went to her and she wrapped her slim arms around me. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “But please, don’t give up on my boy. He needs you, more than you know.”

Pulling away, I gave her a tight smile. Asher stood up and for a second my heart soared. He was going to say something, to give me a sign we were still okay. But he wasn’t looking at me, his eyes narrowing dangerously. I turned slowly, the air sucked clean from my lungs at the sight of Jermaine and two of his guys standing in the door of Bell’s.

I felt the weight of the stares of my friends and their families as my past and present collided in a way I never anticipated.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I rushed over to Jermaine, glowering at him.

“Got bored of waiting, baby girl.” He ran his thumb over his bottom lip, smirking.

“You need to leave, now.”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance