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Mya arched her brow, a smug smile tugging at her lips. “Because you’ll never come close to getting a piece of ass as hot as this.” She blew him a kiss before sauntering off toward the restrooms like nothing had happened.

The three of us watched, mouths hanging open.

“Holy shit, Bennet. That was...”

“Hot as fuck.” Merrick finished for him.

“Don’t get any ideas,” I said, feeling my chest tighten again. “She’s mine.”

“Yeah, but how yours are we talking?”


“Yeah, man?”

It wasn’t a question, but I answered him anyway. “Shut the hell up.”

The friction between us had dissipated, replaced with a different tension. I saw the hunger in his eyes, but I wasn’t sure it was Mya he wanted, not really. My girl had struck a chord with him. He was jealous and instead of being happy for us, he lashed out.

Since I knew all about that, I decided to cut the guy some slack.

“Jesus, Bennet, she’s a firecracker, that one,” Merrick added.

“Yeah, but is she a firecracker in the sa—”

I levelled Grady with a hard look and he swallowed the words. “No more talking shit around Mya, got it?”

“Yeah, I got it,” he grumbled, rubbing his jaw.

Mya returned a couple of minutes later, slipping her arm around me. “Miss me?”


She smirked over at Grady and Merrick who had taken up residence at the booth over from ours. “Think he got the message?”

“Oh, he got the message all right. But now he wants his very own Mya-doll.”

“He does?”

I nodded, fighting a smile. “I think you have a new fan club.”

“Grady?” Mya shuddered, her expression one of disbelief. “But he’s so... Grady.”

I chuckled at that. “Sorry for acting like a caveman earlier. Lately my default setting is to attack.”

“I know exactly how you feel,” she whispered. “When do your parents leave?”

“Tomorrow, thank fuck.”

“And they’ll be gone for how long?” Her fingers toyed with my collar and I struggled to think straight, my thoughts shooting off in a hundred different directions, all which ended with her. Naked. Underneath me.

“I’m not sure. Could be four days, could be a week. Why?”

Mya’s eyes darkened, her teeth biting into her bottom lip. “No reason.”

“You want to play house with me, babe?”

“I wouldn’t say no to it.” She gave me a coy smile, and just like that all thoughts of my dad and Grady and her aunt disappeared.

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance