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“Watch it, Giles.”

“Or what, Ford?” she threw back without hesitation.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” My voice softened, surprising me. It surprised Felicity too, if the hitch of her breath was anything to go by.

“It’s not a big deal.” She gave a lackluster shrug. “I wanted to get it over with, and you were available.”

“Available?” I balked. She couldn’t actually be serious. “You make it sound so—”

“What are you doing, Jason?”

What was I doing?

“Nothing, I just... shit, Felicity, you should have told me.”

Sardonic laughter spilled from her lips. “What, so you could make it romantic? Buy me flowers and tell me how pretty I looked before dirtying me up. Please. This isn’t a fairy tale and you’re certainly no prince. It was just sex, Jason.” Something flashed in her eyes, but she quickly schooled her expression.

It was too late though. I’d seen that look before. Right before I glided inside her.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Memories washed over me. Her damp skin, the little moans she made as I moved above her. Inside her. The way she’d clung to me, meeting me thrust for thrust.

“You’re sure you were a—”

“Are you kidding me right now?” Her eyes widened.

“But you didn’t...” The words got stuck in my throat.

“What, bleed? I did, you were just too wasted to notice.” Shame colored her cheeks as she lowered her gaze.

I had been drunk, but I hadn’t been that drunk. Had I? It had been dark and messy. A tangle of heated kisses and desperate touches. And then Hailee had burst into the room killing the moment and I’d pretty much hightailed it out of there, not bothering to check if she was okay.

“Can I go now?” she added, barely looking at me.

“I… what...” I choked out unsure why I felt like shit all of a sudden. So she was a virgin. It wasn’t like I initiated it. She was as hot for me as I was for her.

Was I really hot for her?

I’d told Cameron it was just sex, convenient. But I couldn’t deny I didn’t like hearing her describe what had really gone down.

A girl’s first time was supposed to be... more or something, wasn’t it?

Hearts and flowers and mood lighting and all that shit. I didn’t know because I didn’t make a habit of fucking virgins.

“Why?” The word flew out of my mouth before I could stop it.

“Why?” Felicity frowned. “Why, what?”

“Why me?”

“Oh don’t flatter yourself, Jason.” She tapped my chest, smiling wryly. “I have a list and you were a means to an end.”

A means to an... what the actual fuck?

“Now if you’re done, I have places to be.” She ducked under my arm and came up on the other side, but my hand shot out, grabbing her arm.

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance