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Me: And for a second there, you actually had me fooled. Goodbye, Jason.

He didn’t reply but it didn’t matter. The damage was already done. He’d gone and pushed the right button to piss me the hell off. But he’d also made a huge dent in my armor, and I knew if he kept it up, I wouldn’t be able to resist for much longer.

Even more alarming, I really didn’t want to.


Smirking to myself, I hit send on my latest text to Felicity.

Me: Skinny dipping in the lake?

Felicity: Are you serious? Do you know what kind of things lurk in there?

Me: I can think of a few...

I smiled, my eyes darting around the cafeteria to make sure nobody was paying me any attention.

Felicity: Behave!!!

Me: Come on, Giles, say yes. Let’s cut class and live on the wild side...

Felicity: I have study hall.

Me: Study hall? It’s senior year...

Felicity: We don’t all have a free pass to do whatever the hell we want. Unlike some people…

Me: Think of your list!

Felicity: Goodbye, Jason.

Damn, she was really playing hard to get. I thought I almost had her the other day, but then right at the last minute, she’d pulled the rug out from under me. I wasn’t used to working so hard for a girl. But Felicity wasn’t just any girl. A fact I could finally admit to myself without breaking out in a cold sweat.

I risked peeking over at where she, Hailee, and Mya sat at their usual table. “Looking for me?” Jenna’s hand slid over my eyes, her lips grazing my cheek. I peeled her fingers away and glanced up at her.

“What the fuck was that?”

She reeled back, indignation flaring in her eyes. “What, I can’t say hello now?” Flicking her silky blonde hair over one shoulder, she sat down next to me.

“That wasn’t hello; that was you marking your territory.”

“Don’t be such a drama queen. It was one little kiss; we’ve done much more than that in public before.”

My spine snapped straight, the knot in my stomach tightening as I glanced over at Felicity. She was busy talking to Hailee, not paying me any attention. But if she looked over here...

Why does it matter? It’s not like you’re hers or anything.

“Jason?” Jenna’s hand grasped my knee. “I said where did you get to Saturday at the party? I looked for you.”

Forcing myself to look at her and not at Felicity, I said, “I had shit to take care of.”

Her expression hardened. “Shit to take care of? That’s all I’m getting?” She was drawing attention now; my teammates pretending not to listen as they ate their lunch and talked among themselves.

“Careful,” I ground out. “You’re starting to sound like a girlfriend and we both know I don’t do girlfriends.”

Her hands slid up my chest as she leaned in, giving me a perfect view of her rack. “You keep saying that, and yet, you keep coming around for seconds and thirds and fourths…” She licked her lips in what I assumed was an attempt at seduction. But all it did was make me bristle.

“I come around because you’re good for it. Nothing more, nothing less.” I pulled Jenna’s hands free of my chest and shoved them back at her.

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance