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Yanking him forward, I smashed my helmet against his. “Tell Thatcher if he wants me, to come get me. He knows where to find me.” Anger radiated through me and when a hand landed on my shoulder, my head whipped around so quickly I got whiplash.

“Let him go, man,” Cam said coolly. “He isn’t worth it.”

“How’s your girl, Chase?” Twenty-three wore a shit-eating smirk. “When you’re done with her, let me know. I wouldn’t mind taking her for a—”

Cameron barreled me out of the way and tackled him, the two of them crashing to the ground. Suddenly we were swarmed by a sea of orange and black, blue and white, players pushing and shoving while Cameron wailed on twenty-three. His helmet was off now, Cam’s too.

“Raiders, get the hell over to the sideline, NOW!” Coach grabbed my shoulder. “Rein your players in, Captain.” His voice was icy cold. Enough that it snapped me out of the red mist, and I started pushing my teammates away.

“Go, get over there.” I flicked my head to the sideline where the remainder of our team was gathered.

“Let’s go, Chase.” Coach and one of Millington’s coaches pulled Cam off Thatcher’s cousin; Coach Hasson handling my best friend while their coach helped his player to his feet.

“Coach, it wasn’t—” I started, but he levelled me with a glare that said, ‘shut the hell up’.

“We’ll deal with this once we’re in the locker room. Get in there and wait for me, you hear me?” Disappointment dripped from his words, sitting heavy on my chest.

I slung an arm around Cam’s shoulder, but he shrugged me off, storming away. “Motherfucker.” I threw my helmet down and kicked it, sending it flying into the water table.

“Ford!” one of the coaches yelled, but I didn’t stop. I didn’t even look back as I followed the rest of our team into the tunnel. We’d gotten the victory. But it had ended in a shitshow.

All because of Lewis fucking Thatcher.


Coach Hasson’s voice echoed through the doors. He wasn’t just pissed about what had just happened, he was furious.

“Maybe we should go?” I winced, as his tirade continued, eyeing Hailee as she paced outside the team’s locker room like a caged animal. We weren’t supposed to be back here but being the star quarterback’s step-sister and star wide receiver’s girlfriend swayed the security guy’s decision to let us wait.

“You can go if you want to,” she said, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other bent so that she could chew her thumb, “but I’m not leaving until I know Cameron’s okay.”

“Okay.” I went to her. “We’ll stay.”

“I still can’t believe he did that.” Silence settled over us, but it didn’t last long when a couple of minutes later, the door swung open and the team started filing out.

Joel Mackey noticed us first. “You better get in there, Hailee.” He grimaced. “Your boy is in a bad way.”

The blood drained from her face as she looked to

me. “Can you... I mean...”

“Hailee,” Jason’s voice cut the air like a knife.

She rushed over to him. “Is he okay? What did Coach say? Is he hurt?” The questions spewed out of her and Jason looked completely out of his depth.

Dragging a hand down his face, he took a deep breath. “Cam needs you,” was all he said, flicking his head to the door. “You should go be with him.”

Her glassy gaze settled on me and I smiled. “Go, I’ll be fine.”

“Fear not, Hails.” Asher appeared, making a beeline for me. “We’ll make sure she gets home okay.”

“You’re sure?”

“Go, he needs you.”

She gave me an appreciative smile before turning it on Jason. “Thank you,” she mouthed before disappearing inside.

“Will Coach—”

Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance