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I took a long pull on my beer mulling over her words. “I always thought I was his person.” My lip curved in a half-smirk despite the knot in my gut.

“One day, you’ll get it. Maybe not now but one day...”

“I almost had it once you know.”


“Yeah.” I stared off into the distance remembering a time that felt so long ago but wasn’t that long at all.

“What happened?” Hailee asked. “I mean, I know a little, but I’d rather hear it from you.”

Sliding my eyes to hers, I let out a weary sigh. “Aimee was... different. Special.” At least I’d thought she was. But that was before I knew the truth. Before I ever met Felicity and realized what I felt for Aimee was nothing but puppy love.

“She hurt you?”

“She didn’t just hurt me, she completely fucking destroyed me.”


I woke to the sound of my cell vibrating. Leaning over, I fumbled to find it, and lifted it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Felicity, it’s George.”

“George?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes unsure I’d heard him correctly.

“George from New Tail. I hope I didn’t wake you?”

“Is it that obvious?” A soft chuckle left my lips.

“Sorry, I figured with it being a school day you’d be up and at it.”

“I’m not really a morning person.”

“I remember it well.” I heard his smile. “Anyway, I just wanted to call and let you know that a position came up, so if you’re still interested—”

“Interested?” I bolted upright. “I would love to.”

“Well, that’s great. When can you come down and fill in the paperwork?”

“Today, I can come today,” the words spilled out in a frenzy. “I have classes until three-thirty, but I’m free after that.”

“I’ll need to check what we have going on today, but I can’t see it being a problem. I can email you later to confirm,” he hesitated, “or shoot you a text?”

“Either is fine.” Excitement danced in my tummy. “I’m just relieved and excited, definitely excited. You were so certain nothing was available, I’d kind of given up hope.”

“Well, I’m glad to be calling with good news.” George gave me a list of what to bring in with me later before we said goodbye and hung up.

I leaped out of bed with a spring in my step, and quickly shot a text to Hailee and Mya.

Me: George just called... there’s a position for me.

Hailee: That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you.

Mya: That’s great. All that flirting must have paid off.

My stomach knotted. Is that why George had suddenly found me something? Because he liked me? I didn’t want to owe him anything.


Tags: L.A. Cotton Rixon Raiders Romance