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“Of course,” said Rafael. “Smugglers had taken her. It was a relatively easy matter to retrieve her.” It was at least the truth, Rafael thought. “Incidentally, Mr. Westover, the fifteen thousand pounds weren’t needed. The funds will be returned to Miss Abermarle’s trust.”

“Excellent, my lord. I had thought that . . . Well, never min

d now. I will say only that you have relieved my mind greatly.”

But Rafael knew what the man had wanted to say. He was honest, and distressed at Damien’s misuse of his young client’s inheritance. What the devil should he do now? he wondered, rising. He shook Mr. Westover’s hand and took his leave. He was deep in thought when he suddenly heard a man shout, “Good God. As I live and breathe. It’s the infamous pirate.”

Rafael jerked about to see Philip Hawksbury, Earl of Rothermere, standing across the street, waving at him.

“Hawk,” he said, grinning. They met in the middle of the street, shaking hands vigorously, to the raised ire of a hackney driver.

“Come along, old fellow,” said Hawk, clapping Rafael on his back. “Lord, what a long time it’s been. What are you doing in London? Where are you staying?”

Rafael said, “Haven’t you seen Lucia?”

Hawk looked dumbfounded. “How do you know Lucia? No, Frances and I are at Hawksbury House. We are dining with her this evening. But how do you know Lucia?”

“There is much to tell you, Hawk. Let’s go to Cribb’s Parlor and I’ll fill you in.”

The two gentlemen found a table in the corner of the taproom and ordered ale. “I can’t wait to meet your wife, Hawk. So you’ve been properly caged?”

“True enough,” agreed Hawk easily. “Now, Rafael, tell me all about what you’ve been doing. And how you know Lucia.”

Rafael sat back in his chair and told him everything; there was no reason not to. After all, Hawk knew all about Rafael’s work for the government. Since Victoria was staying with Lucia, there was no excuse not to tell him of her. Nor did he spare the details of his brother’s infamy. Hawk was very intelligent and Rafael rather hoped to get his opinion on how to proceed. “So, when you yelled at me, I had just left Victoria’s solicitor. And that, my friend, is how things sit at this moment.”

“Fascinating, Rafael. As I recall, your presence always relieved tedium. So it continues. And you’ve got the young lady at Lucia’s. A pity about your brother. But wait—Lyon is married. It’s almost too much to take in, all your news. Frances and I met Diana, of course.”

They were drinking their third mug of ale when Rafael said honestly, “I think I just might need your assistance, Hawk. I have the proof that my brother is a damned bounder. And Victoria must be protected somehow.”

“What do you think of the girl?”

Rafael looked into the mug of ale, swirling the gold-brown liquid about. He said thoughtfully, more to himself than to Hawk, “She’s lovely and quite intelligent. She’s got courage and strength, although at the moment she’s every reason to be afraid. She is, in short, an admirable girl and well, a darling.”


“Ah what, curse you, Hawk?”

“Marry her.”

Rafael met the earl’s eyes. He wouldn’t have been overly surprised to see the word “Fate” written across Hawk’s forehead. “I suppose,” he said slowly, “that it is the only thing to do. Actually, I had already decided it best, not five minutes before you shouted at me.”

“At least you’ve had the chance to get to know her,” said Hawk. “Much different from my experience. Lord, I shall never remember without a profound shudder Frances’s disguise. You will like Frances. She’s a real trooper.”

“Did you bring your children?”

“No, little Alexandra is too young, and as for Charles, he gets vilely ill in a traveling coach. One of the realities of married life, old man. Incidentally, you must meet my father, the marquess. No doubt about it, Rafael, once he learns of your dilemma, he will stick his oar in. He’s a great plotter, curse him.”

“As subtle as a battering ram, like Lucia?”

“The two of them with their heads together would be enough to send Napoleon scurrying back to Russia.”

“Lucia just happened to mention last evening about Frances and your former mistress saving the day. Needless to say, Victoria was all ears.”

“They attacked me, the both of them. Frances slammed her fist in my belly. Ah, what a time that was.”

More time passed with reminiscences. “Good Lord,” Rafael said suddenly. “I promised to take Victoria riding in the park.”

“Well, Frances and I will see both of you this evening. Rafael?”

Tags: Catherine Coulter Magic Trilogy Romance