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Ligger stood gape-mouthed, mute with distress.

“Out with it, man.” Rafael stepped quickly forward and grasped the butler’s narrow shoulders. “What happened, Ligger?”

Ligger stared up at him, finally managing, “Are you the baron or Captain Rafael?”

“I’m me, Rafael.”

Ligger moaned softly. “Someone shot the baron. We thought it was you, sir. Your wife, well, she—”

“Is my brother dead?”

Ligger shook his head. “Dr. Ludcott is with him, but . . .”

Rafael didn’t wait a moment longer. He took the stairs two at a time. He ran down the long eastern corridor toward the master suite, realized his mistake, and turned back toward the Pewter Room.

He was still some distance down the corridor when he saw Victoria standing beside the closed door, leaning against the wall, her head bowed. She looked unutterably weary. Softly he called, “Victoria.”

Her eyes flew open. “Damien. Thank God you’re back. He’s hurt badly and I—”

“Victoria, love.”

She grew very still, her eyes wide and haunted on his face. He was striding toward her.

“Damien, I don’t under—”

“Hush, love. Hush, it’s I.” He drew her into his arms.

“Rafael?” Her voice was a thin cry.

“Yes.” She threw herself into him, wrapping her arms as tightly as she could about his back, burrowing her face against his shoulder.

“I’m all right, love,” he said over and over. “Tell me about Damien.”

“I thought he was you. So did Elaine. So did everyone. Oh, God, I can’t bear it.” She stopped and drew in a deep breath. “Dr. Ludcott sent me out. He’s digging out the bullet, it’s deep in Damien’s shoulder. He’s unconscious, thank the Lord, but I just don’t know.”

Rafael gently shook her shoulders. “Listen to me, Victoria. I want you to go speak to Elaine and tell her what’s happened. I will see to Damien. Are you all right? Can you manage?”

She nodded, gave him another fierce hug, and picking up her skirts, dashed down the corridor toward the master suite.

Rafael quietly let himself into the Pewter Room. Dr. Ludcott looked up, his expression grim and strained. “Baron, you’re back. Your brother, I’m relieved to say, is a vital, very strong man. He will survive this.”

“I’m Rafael Carstairs. This is the baron.”

The doctor looked from the unconscious man on the bed to Rafael. “Amazing,” he said, and shook his head.

“I took a young girl to your house. She was to have been raped by the Hellfire Club. It’s over now, all of it.”

Dr. Ludcott merely stared at him, silent for many moments. “I’m relieved,” he said at last. “There’s a lot you will not tell me, if I read you aright, Captain.”

“Yes, perhaps.”

There was a moan from Damien. At that moment Elaine came into the bedchamber, her face as white as January snow, her belly huge, molded closely by her fitted dressing gown.

“Now, now, my lady,” Dr. Ludcott said quickly, striding toward her. “Your husband will survive this. He will. You must stay calm, for the child’s sake. You must.”

“He was playing you, Rafael,” she said, her fingers stroking her husband’s hand.

“Yes, this time I knew exactly what he was doing, Elaine. Neither of us guessed that something like this would happen. I’m sorry, so very sorry.”

Tags: Catherine Coulter Magic Trilogy Romance