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“I’m glad you like it, Byrony. It’s for your husband.”

Byrony turned slowly, her eyes meeting Brent’s. “Do you like it, Brent? Really?”

“Yes,” he said. “As I told Drew, it’s fine. Now, what are you doing here?”

“Laurel said there were some business matters you had to attend to,” she said.

“You two go along,” Drew said. “I’ll be up to the house shortly. Doubtless, Brent, you’ll need my assistance.”

They left Drew’s apartment, and Byrony turned to walk toward the house.

Brent caught her arm. “A moment, Byrony.”

She turned to face him.

“We’re going this way. There’s a very pretty spot I want you to see first.”

She cocked her head at him, but fell into step beside him. “One of your boyhood haunts?”

“Yes,” he said, looking straight ahead. “Are you recovered from the excitement of last night?”

Byrony frowned up at his profile. Why wouldn’t he look at her? He was still angry, of course. “Yes, I am quite recovered. Indeed, I really didn’t feel the need to recover from anything. My delicate nerves weren’t overset, Brent.”

He saw her in Drew’s portrait in his mind’s eye. “The expression in your eyes was almost wicked.”


“The portrait. How did Drew manage to get that look?”

She said without hesitation, “I thought about you on one particular night aboard the steamboat. You teased me and fondled me and loved me until I thought I’d die of it. And then I seduced you. I thought perhaps you were beginning to love me.” She shrugged, “But of course, coming back here put a stop to that.”

He looked surprised but didn’t say anything and they walked along silently for a while. “Brent, we’re going quite far from the house.”

“I know. Be patient.”

She thoughtfully kicked a stone from her path and watched it jump in front of her. “What will you do about Lizzie? And Josh?”

“I spoke to Josh this morning. He wouldn’t tell me how he’d made that rendezvous with Lizzie, but I suspect Mammy Bath is somehow involved. Josh is her grandson, you know.”

“No, I didn’t know.”

Brent sighed. “What can I do? Josh loves the girl and wants to marry her. Lizzie, I gather, feels the same about Josh.”

“But she’s only thirteen years old.”

“Actually, she’s now fourteen as of two days ago. Josh thought it was time.”

“And what do you think?”

“He can have her, of course. Actually, if our very closed society would allow it, I’d be tempted to make Josh overseer of Wakehurst.”

“Oh no.”

The distress in her voice made him stop abruptly and turn to face her. “You have no liking for Josh?”

“The people would still be slaves, possessions, your possessions, Brent. It’s not right.” She saw him frown, saw his eyes narrow. “What of Paxton?” she asked.

“I would imagine that fool is in Natchez at the moment, drinking and telling everyone who will listen what a bastard I am. Lord only knows what he’s saying about you.”

Tags: Catherine Coulter Star Quartet Historical