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“That’s enough, Mom.”

“You should walk away and build a new life somewhere else instead of humiliating yourself waiting around for a few crumbs from his table.”

“Can we talk about something else?”

“You can’t build a life on dreams, Brenna. You should date other men. See other people. Helen and Todd were in signing a license last week. Getting married first week in February. And Susan Carter was in last month. That wedding is going to be a big one. Visitors from out of town.” As Town Clerk, her mother had all the information on who was marrying whom.

There were times when she wished her mother had a different job. “I do date other men.”

“Who? When?”

Cornered, Brenna groped wildly in her brain. “I’m going out with Josh this week. Tuesday.” The words left her mouth before she could stop them. She saw her mother’s face brighten for the first time since she’d walked through the door and realized in a flood of panic that by trying to make things better, she’d made them worse. Her mother would probably tell Ellen Kelly in the store and before the snow had settled, everyone would know Brenna Daniels was dating Josh. Everyone, that was, except Josh himself. Somehow she had to retrieve the situation before Josh found out.

He was going to kill her.


“Well—” Her mother breathed out slowly and her shoulders relaxed. “I’m pleased. Josh is well respected in this town. He’s the youngest chief of police ever appointed, and he has a calm, steady head on his shoulders. He’s not short of admirers.”

Oh, crap.

Deciding to unravel that mess later, Brenna changed the subject. “So Helen and Todd are finally getting married. That’s great.” She talked about nothing, anything to pass the time and keep her mother from talking about Tyler.

Somehow she made it through breakfast but by the time she left, her head was throbbing and the small amount of egg she’d eaten had settled like a stone in her stomach.

She arrived at the Outdoor Center feeling emotionally exhausted and gave a groan when she recognized the four-wheel drive cruiser that belonged to the chief of police.

I’m going on a date with Josh.

Why did he have to be the first person she bumped into?

She pulled into the space next to him, closed her eyes and promised herself that if she untangled this mess she was never, ever telling a lie again.

The door opened, and she turned her head and saw him standing there.

“You look like you’ve had a hell of a day, and it’s not even nine-thirty. Want to talk about it?” His voice was calm, his gaze steady, and she felt color whoosh into her cheeks.

Half the girls in her class had been in love with him. The half that hadn’t been in love with one of the O’Neils. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Is this a social visit, or are we in trouble with the law?”

Josh raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know. Should you be?”

“I may have broken a rule or two in my time.” And told a lie. A big fat lie. Her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.

“Been anywhere exciting?”

There was no reason not to tell him, especially as people would have seen her car outside her mother’s house. “Visiting my parents.”

“Ah.” Those dark eyes were perceptive. “And how did that go?”

“It was—” Brenna bit her lip “—stressful.”

“Want me to arrest them?” He gave a smile that was warm and sympathetic, and she wondered how long that smile would last once word spread and someone asked him about his “date.”

She slid out of the car, her nerve failing her as she found herself facing those broad shoulders. “Look, Josh—” It was going to be embarrassing to confess, but it was going to be much more embarrassing if he found out from someone else. “I need to tell you something—and I need you to listen and not get mad.”

He stood, legs spread, strong, dependable and thoroughly decent. “I’m li


Tags: Sarah Morgan O'Neil Brothers Romance