'So why did you keep saying that you couldn't get involved with me?'

There was a long silence and a muscle worked in his lean jaw. 'I didn't want to get involved with another career-woman.'

She stared at him, taking in what he'd just said.

And suddenly everything fell into place.

Dear Lord, he 'd thought she was like Catherine.

No wonder he'd wanted to keep her at a distance.

Now was the time to confess.

'Zach, about my career—this cardiology job...' She hesitated and he sat down on the bed.

'Don't worry about it. I think it's great that you want to be a cardiologist.' His voice was gruff. 'Career or no career, you're nothing like Catherine and I should have realised that straight away. But I suppose I was carrying too much hurt and bitterness to be able to see things objectively.'

Keely licked her lips. 'Zach, I should have talked to you about my career earlier—'

'Your career isn't what matters,' he said quietly, taking her hand in his and stroking her blonde hair away from her face. 'What really matters is the way I feel about you. And the way I think you feel about me. I love you, Keely. I love you with all my heart. I want you to marry me. I want you to be my wife and Phoebe's mother.'

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Couldn't believe that he meant it.

Tears filled her eyes and spilled out onto her cheeks. 'Oh, Zach...'

'Don't cry!' He gave a low curse and brushed the tears away with his thumb. 'Dammit, sweetheart, I can't bear to see you cry.'

'I'm crying because I'm happy.' She sniffed, rubbing her cheeks with the palm of her hand. 'I can't believe you're really saying this. You'd better pinch me so that I can be sure I'm not dreaming.'

'I think your poor body has suffered enough trauma in the last twenty-four hours without me pinching you,' Zach said dryly, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. 'I'm in suspense here, Keely. Can I take it that the answer is yes?'

She nodded, the tears starting again. 'Of course it's yes. I've loved you since I was sixteen. You know that. I just can't believe that you really love me, too. That night we— you know...' She broke off, embarrassed, and he gave her a sexy grin that made her insides melt.

'I do know.'

'I couldn't believe it when you didn't mention it the next morning. Then you asked me to move out—'

'I know.' His smile faded and his voice was suddenly serious. 'I must have hurt you very badly. But you have to try and understand what I was thinking. After that incredible night I came downstairs and the first person I spoke to was your father, telling me that you'd got an interview and how clever you were. All of a sudden it was Catherine all over again.'

Keely stared at him, horrified. 'You do think I'm like Catherine?'

He gave a lopsided smile. 'No. I know you're nothing like Catherine. You're gentle, warm and kind with wonderful values and a fantastic way with children. But you're also very clever. Cleverer than you realise. You could go far, Keely. You could do whatever you wanted to do.'

Her eyes filled again. 'What I really want is for you to tell me you love me again. You didn't convince me the first time.'

'Then I'd better try harder.' He reached for a tissue. 'Keely Thompson, I love you. Madly. With all my heart and soul. But, please, stop crying or they'll throw me out for upsetting a patient.'

She wanted him to carry on telling her that he loved her...

'But, Zach...' A thought had suddenly struck her and she gasped. 'What about your home? Where will we live?'

Had his house burned to the ground? She hadn't even asked about his lovely house.

He shrugged. 'I love the Lakes, I can't pretend I don't. But I accept that you'll be happier in London, so that's where we'll go. But I'd like to keep the house here, too. For weekends and holidays.'

Her eyes widened and a smile touched her full mouth. 'The house is OK? It didn't burn down?'

He shook his head. 'It'll be fine once the builders have spent some time there.'

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance