* * *

Zach was in the kitchen when she arrived home, and he got straight to the point.

'I'm sorry, but this isn't working out any more Keely.' His eyes were steady on hers. 'You'll be off to London in no time at all. It's time Phoebe got used to not having you around.'

'You want me to move out?'

She'd planned to do just that, so why did it feel so painful when he suggested it?

'She's getting too attached to you.' He ran a hand through his sleek, dark hair, obviously finding the conversation difficult. 'I don't want to see her hurt.'

'Neither do I, Zach.' Did he really think she wanted to hurt his daughter?

'I know you don't, but nevertheless that's what's going to happen when you leave. And it's just going to get harder the longer you stay.'

'Yes. I see that.' Her voice sounded strangely flat. Totally unlike her own. 'I'll start looking for somewhere else to live.'

He rubbed his fingers over his clenched jaw, visibly tense.

'Listen, Keely...' He hesitated, obviously struggling to find the right words. 'We haven't talked about what happened between us but—'

'No.' She held up a hand and interrupted him before he could say any more. 'Don't say it. There isn't anything that needs to be said.'

It was true. What could he say that wouldn't make her feel a million times worse?

She didn't need him to spell out the way he felt.

He looked at her warily. 'I'm really grateful for your help with Phoebe.'

Keely ignored the hurt and gave him a brave smile. 'You're very welcome, Zach. I hope it works out for you both. I'll start looking or somewhere else to live tomorrow. Can I stay here until I find somewhere?'

He frowned. 'Of course, but—'

'Thanks.' She stroked her blonde hair behind her ears and walked towards the door, anxious to put as much distance between them as possible. 'Well, I've got to prepare for my interview so if you'll excuse me I'll go upstairs.'

With that she turned on her heel and took refuge in the sanctuary of her bedroom.

The next two days were frantic and Keely barely had time to breathe, let alone make phone calls about flats.

She arrived at Zach's house at the end of the second day in time for Phoebe's bath and wondered what she was meant to do.

Zach had made it clear that he didn't want her near Phoebe so she'd been avoiding the little girl as much as possible, but if Barbara needed to leave to get home to her own family then surely Zach wouldn't mind if she helped out?

She opened the front door and stopped dead as she saw a stunning blonde woman standing in the hallway.

'Hello?' Keely frowned in confusion and closed the front door behind her. 'I don't think we've met...'

'No.' The woman held out her hand and gave a formal smile. 'I'm Maggie Hillyard. The new nanny.'

The new nanny?

Zach had employed a new nanny?

The man certainly didn't hang around.

'Are you... ?' Keely cleared her throat and started again. 'Will you be living in?'

'Oh, yes.' Maggie nodded. 'Zach was quite insistent. He's given me the room at the back until you move out. When you've gone I'll have your room because the view's better. I gather you're looking for somewhere at the moment.'

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance