Why wasn't he looking at her?

Phoebe was in her high chair, fighting with a plate of food in her usual manner, and Keely sat down next to her.

'Your father rang.' Zach handed her a cup of tea and she stared at him blankly.

Her father?

Why would her father ring?

'D-did he leave a message?'

'Yes.' Zach's tone was even. 'You've got an interview in London in a few weeks. Congratulations.'

Keely looked at him in silence.

Was that all he was going to say? After everything they'd shared—everything they'd done? All he could say was, 'Congratulations'?

'Don't forget to ask Sean for the day off.' He was so matter-of-fact that she wondered whether she'd imagined everything that had happened between them the night before.

Had the whole thing been a dream?

Why wasn't he trying to stop her? Why wasn't he trying to talk her out of going?

Didn't he mind that she might move to London?

Obviously not, she thought dully, staring down at the piece of toast on her plate.

Last night had obviously been nothing more than a diversion for him. Something to briefly take his mind off his wife.

So that was that.

Last night she'd been so sure that he'd felt something for her. So sure.

But he was making it all too clear that he considered their night together to have been a mistake. He didn't want her and she certainly wasn't throwing herself at him again.

Which meant she may as well go to London.

She couldn't carry on living with Zach after last night. It would be too much to bear.


'You look awful.' Nicky opened the fridge to get some milk and frowned across at Keely who was sitting slumped in an armchair in the corner of the staffroom.

'Thanks for that.' Keely drained her coffee and stood up, knowing that it wouldn't take Nicky long to guess what was wrong.

And she didn't want to talk about it.

She couldn't talk about it.

Not without making a complete and utter fool of herself.

She walked briskly across to the door but Nicky's voice stopped her in her tracks.

'Keely, wait.' Nicky caught up with her and put a hand on her shoulder, her eyes searching. 'I suppose it's Zach?'

Was it that obvious?

Keely opened her mouth to deny it but then decided that she may as well be honest.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance