Zach reached for her, quickly wrapping her in his arms.

Keely started to sob into his chest, great tearing sobs that shook her whole body and made him feel totally helpless.

'Hush, sweetheart...' He held her tightly and whispered nonsense into her hair until finally she was too exhausted to sob any longer. Then he lifted her into his arms and sat down on the bathroom chair with her on his lap.

'It's so unfair.' Her words were jerky. 'She didn't have to die. How will that poor mother cope with losing her child?'

'I don't know.'

Zach felt as sad about it as she did. In fact, he almost envied her ability to let her emotions out. Sometimes he wished he could do the same.

'Tell me honestly, Zach.' She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand. 'Was there anything else I could have done? What if I'd given her antibiotics straight away?'

He shook his head and stroked her hair away from her damp cheeks with a gentle hand. 'You did everything absolutely right. It was textbook management of a case of epiglottitis. We were all incredibly impressed that you even recognised it, to be honest. It's very rare these days.'

'But not rare enough,' she said in a quiet voice, leaning her face against his broad chest.

Zach tried not to react, reminding himself that she was just using him for comfort. But unfortunately his body wasn't that discerning and his immediate response to the soft scent of her hair and the warmth of her body made him grit his teeth.

'Let's get you dressed,' he said gruffly, hoping that she'd move before he embarrassed himself, 'or you'll catch cold.'.

'No, don't let me go. Not yet.' She snuggled closer and he stifled a groan.

Any minute now she'd realise the effect she was having on him.


She lifted her head to look at him and her tear-washed eyes and trembling mouth were only inches away from his. And the temptation was just too much...

With a groan he lowered his head and captured her mouth, and the tension that had been building for weeks exploded between them.

Slowly at first, his lips moved over hers, the tip of his tongue seeking entry between her softly parted lips as he savoured the taste of her.

He felt her tremble in his arms and then her tongue touched his as she returned the kiss, her immediate and passionate response to his touch sending desire roaring through him like a runaway train.

Without breaking the kiss, his fingers tugged at the towel, leaving her naked in his lap.

'Zach...' She gasped his name against his mouth and then her tongue licked at his lips again, tantalising and teasing him until he was ready to forget the preliminaries and make love to her on the floor of the bathroom.

But she deserved better than that...

Battling with his instincts, he slipped his arms around her and stood up, intending to take her to the bedroom, but she gave a murmur of protest and tightened her arms round his neck.

'No, Zach.' Her voice was almost a sob. 'Don't let me go.'

Dear God, she was enough to test the will-power of a saint. Zach's fingers tightened into her warm satiny flesh. He had no intention of letting her go...

Their mouths fused again and they kissed desperately, biting at each other, trying to get closer—and closer still...

'The bedroom, Keely.' He murmured the words against her mouth but she gave a moan of protest and wriggled out of his arms, sliding down his body until she was on her knees, her fingers shaking as they dealt with his zip.

And then he felt her soft mouth touch him, her tongue and lips tasting and teasing him until he thought he'd explode.

'Keely...' His fractured groan of disbelief brought no response from her as she continued with intimacies that left him stunned and shell-shocked.

Finally, when he could stand it no longer, he lifted her roughly to her feet and backed her against the wall, his mouth devouring hers with a wild hunger that took them both past the point of no return.

In a smooth movement he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his hips, her breath coming in pants as she felt his hardness brush against her.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance