Because she could make his life easier. She couldn't make up for his terrible loss. Maybe no one would ever do that. But she could help him with the practical problems. All she had to do was convince him that it was a good idea.

'Why would I want to help? Loads of reasons.' Keely's eyes drifted back to the cot longingly. 'Firstly because I love children at this age and I know she and I would have fun together—'

His eyes were watchful. 'And secondly?'

'Secondly...' She paused and took a deep breath. It must be such a sensitive subject. Would he hate her mentioning it? 'Secondly, because I'm so, so sorry that you lost your wife.' She faltered slightly as she spoke, nervous that she might upset him. 'You must be feeling so awful. The last thing you need is to battle with practical problems. I can't bring your wife back, Zach, but I can try to make life easier for you and Phoebe. If you'll let me.'

She broke off and bit her lip, waiting anxiously for his response.

'You always were a sucker for a sob story, Keely Thompson.' He gave a long sigh and rubbed long fingers over his forehead. 'And what would we offer you in return?'

'Accommodation,' she said promptly. 'My landlord is giving me grief. I need somewhere to live.'

It wasn't anything she couldn't handle but she hoped that it would be enough to make Zach accept her offer to help.

He was silent, indecision showing on his handsome face. 'She isn't easy. She locked the nanny out of the house last week.'

Keely grinned, sensing weakness. 'How enterprising. And how stupid o

f the nanny to put the front door between herself and a toddler.'

Zach still wasn't convinced. 'She climbs everywhere— she's lethal—'

'Zach, I know what a child is capable of,' Keely said gently, and he breathed out heavily and shook his head slowly.

'I just think it's an imposition—'

'It's not an imposition. I'd love to do it if you'd trust me.'

'Trust you?' His brows locked together in a deep frown. 'Of course I trust you.'

'Well, that's settled, then,' Keely said in a cheerful whisper. 'After work tomorrow I'll pick up some things and move into the nanny's room. I don't know where you live so you'll have to draw me a map.'

'I live in the middle of nowhere,' he told her in a low voice. 'Are you scared of being on your own in the house?'

She shot him an exasperated look.

'Zach, you're doing it again! I am the babysitter,' she reminded him dryly. 'I'm not the one that needs the babysitter, remember?'

He raised his hands in the air and gave her an apologetic smile. 'Sorry. In that case, thanks for the offer. I accept gratefully, although I don't know why you're doing it so any time you start to regret it, please, say. I'll draw you a map and leave a key for you in A and E, and you can come over any time you like tomorrow. I've cleared it with Sean that I'm taking a few days off.'

'Good.' Keely nodded and stood up. 'And now I'll go and find you a cup of coffee and a sandwich. You look exhausted.'

'I am.' He sank into the chair she'd just vacated and stared at his daughter. 'Oh, and, Keely...'

She stopped on her way to the door and turned. 'What?'

'Thanks. For everything.'

For a long moment their eyes locked and suddenly she found it hard to breathe. Was it her imagination or was he looking at her differently—almost as if he was seeing her properly for the first time?

With a supreme effort she dragged her gaze away. She was imagining things. Deluding herself as usual. Only this time she had her emotions well in hand. Zach needed her help and Keely wanted to do everything she could to make his life easier. After all, that was what friends were for.

* * *

Zach's house was a gorgeous stone cottage nestling at the bottom of the mountains with nothing but sheep for neighbours.

Keely looked at the keys in her hand but decided to use the bell instead. Instantly there was a thunder of feet and then a crash and noisy crying. Keely winced. Obviously a poorly, fractious toddler. Zach had sent a message down to her earlier, telling her that they were discharging Phoebe and that he'd be at home, so it wasn't a surprise to find them there.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance