The corners of his mouth twitched and his blue eyes gleamed. 'I thought we weren't going to mention that again.'

She gave a groan. 'I know. You've been so discreet and I can hardly bear to think about it, it's so embarrassing. But I still feel that I haven't really apologised properly.'

'I've already told you you don't need to apologise.'

'Zach, I proposed to you!'

His blue eyes twinkled. 'It was a leap year, sweetheart. You were allowed to propose to me. I was very flattered.'

Sweetheart. The way he said it made her insides melt even though she knew it hadn't been meant in that way.

Keely pulled herself together and cleared her throat. 'Anyway, I apologise for behaving like such an idiot and embarrassing you.'

'You didn't embarrass me.' His gaze was steady on hers and for a moment she stared at him, her pulse picking up as she looked at the broad shoulders and the dark hair. He was seriously gorgeous...

She suppressed a whimper. Why did he have such a powerful effect on her. Why? She wasn't a teenager any more, but when she was with him she certainly felt like one.'


She wasn't making that mistake again.

She was not going to fall for Zach a second time.

'So that's agreed, then.' She made an effort to ignore the effect he had on her. 'You'll treat me like an adult and forget the fact that I once had pigtails and proposed to you.'

'It's a deal,' he said softly. 'Oh, and by the way—you look considerably better without the pigtails.'

For a moment their eyes held and she immediately forgot all her resolutions and allowed herself the luxury of one brief fantasy. Zach looking deep into her eyes and telling her that he loved her...

Oh, help! She was going mad.

'Right, then.' She backed away, forcing herself to break the spell. 'I'd better get back to work.'

As she closed his office door behind her she gave a low groan.

Working with the man was going to be a nightmare! She may have grown up but the reaction of her hormones was exactly the same as it had been when she was sixteen. The truth was that she couldn't be in the same room as Zachary Jordan without wanting him. Which meant that she had a very big problem.

She couldn't see a fracture.

Keely stared hard at the X-ray, half expecting something to suddenly appear, but it looked clear. Which didn't fit with what she'd discovered on examination. All her instincts told her that the wrist was broken.

So why was the X-ray clear?


She was going to have to ask Zach's advice.

Which was a nuisance because she'd been successfully avoiding him all week. Although he was the senior doctor on her shift, she'd managed to deal with almost everything without his help.

She found him in Resus, talking to Nicky.

'Problems?' He lifted a dark eyebrow and she felt her heart stumble. Why did he have to be so good-looking? It was very distracting. If she was going to last six months in A and E she was going to have to develop survival strategies. Like looking over his shoulder when she talked to him rather than at his face.

'I need your advice.' She raked slim fingers through her jagged blonde hair and gave him a brief smile. 'I've got this lady in cubicle one I'm not sure about. She fell on her wrist and all the signs are that she's fractured her scaphoid, but I can't see anything on the X-ray.'

'Scaphoid fractures are notoriously easy to miss on X-ray so you're right to ask for help,' he said quietly. 'What did you find on examination?'

'Swelling, pain on wrist movements, tenderness on direct pressure two centimetres distal to Lister's tubercle of the radius and on proximal pressure on the extended thumb or index finger.' Keely listed everything briskly and he nodded.

Tags: Sarah Morgan Billionaire Romance