Page 33 of Summer Fling

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Meg gave a snort. ‘And do I need to be told that? Of course not. I’m not offended, lass, just worried about you.’

‘You don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine, really.’ Kyla stood up to give her aunt a hug. ‘Thanks.’

‘Eat your supper.’ Her aunt squeezed her gently and then released her. ‘Before it gets cold.’

She loved her family. Kyla finished her soup, wondering if everyone else had noticed that she was suddenly spending all her time at the café instead of just strolling into Logan’s garden in her usual fashion.

She thought about it all that night and the next day and when Evanna invited her to join them for a picnic on the beach that evening, she agreed.

She didn’t want Logan making sarcastic comments, she thought as she slipped her feet into sandals, grabbed a cool-box and strolled down onto the sand.

Evanna was spreading a picnic out over a tartan rug while trying to control a thoroughly over-excited toddler. ‘Don’t eat sand,’ she scolded gently, but there was a smile on her face as she scooped the little girl onto her lap and cuddled her. ‘Go to your Aunty Kyla for a moment while I sort out the food.’

‘I bought some things. It’s just quiche and salad.’ Kyla put the cool-bag down by Evanna and stooped to kiss her niece.

Logan strolled over to her, his body glistening with seawater. ‘It’s fresh.’

‘In other words, it’s freezing.’ Evanna laughed, handing him a towel. ‘Quick. Dry yourself off. We don’t want you developing hypothermia. It’s a bad advert for the practice.’

Logan cast a questioning glance in Kyla’s direction. ‘Well, if it isn’t my long-lost sister. Where have you been all week?’ He dried himself and pulled a shirt over his head. ‘I’ve hardly seen you.’

‘I called in to see Aunty Meg a few times,’ Kyla said casually, eating a tomato and then pulling a face. ‘Ugh. Sand. Remind me whose idea was it to have a family picnic on the beach when it’s windy? It always sounds such a great idea, but then you start to eat and you realise that everything is crunchy because it’s full of sand. I think I prefer the garden.’ She looked up to say something to Logan and saw Ethan strolling towards them. The words stuck in her throat.

‘Kyla.’ Evanna’s voice was gentle. ‘You’re dropping food on the rug.’

Flustered, Kyla glanced down and realised that her hands were shaking so much she’d dropped the tomatoes. ‘Sorry.’ She’d had no idea he was joining them. Her heart skipped and danced and she gave herself a severe telling-off.

She’d avoided him for most of the week. She’d made a concerted effort not to look out of the window in the mornings and watch him run, and she’d even managed to forget about the kiss for at least five minutes at a stretch.

She’d thought she was doing well.

Only now, feeling her heart hammering hard against her chest, she kne

w that she wasn’t doing well at all.

He affected her just as much as he ever had.

‘Sorry I’m a bit late.’ He was wearing cut-off shorts and a soft, loose T-shirt that had obviously been washed a million times. His jaw was dark with stubble, his eyes were tired, and Kyla thought she’d never seen a sexier man in her life.

‘Late? That’s a real city-boy remark. I don’t think you can be late for a picnic on a beach.’ Logan handed him a beer. ‘Here. You can drink. I’m on call tonight.’

Ethan took the beer with a nod of thanks. ‘I hope you have a better night than I did.’

Logan gave a wry smile and glanced at his daughter. ‘I probably won’t, actually, but for different reasons. I gather you were up several times.’

‘For a small island, they certainly keep you busy,’ Ethan drawled, lifting the beer to his lips, and Kyla found herself watching as he drank.

That mouth had been on hers. Those hands had—

Ethan caught her gaze and lowered the beer slowly, his eyes on hers. Neither of them spoke and the tension rose between them until Kyla was aware of nothing but him. She couldn’t have looked away if she’d tried, and she sensed that he was experiencing the same inner struggle.

And then Kirsty crawled into her lap and reached for her hair.

‘Ow.’ The spell broken, Kyla gently prised open Kirsty’s chubby fist and removed her hair. ‘We need to teach you a new trick.’

To her surprise, Ethan put down his beer and leaned towards Kirsty. ‘I’ll take her.’ He dropped down onto his haunches and smiled at the little girl.

‘Fancy a paddle in the waves?’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance