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She let them in, showed them where to set up and walked back to the kitchen, where the caterers seemed to have everything under control.

The champagne was chilling. The glasses were ready. The canapés were in the oven. Everything was perfect.

The door sounded again and this time when Lauren opened it she saw her mother-in-law standing there.

Maybe not completely perfect.

If there was one accessory she would never choose to have at a party, it was her mother-in-law, but how could she not invite her to her only son’s fortieth birthday party?

“Gwen! Wonderful to see you.” Lauren always overdid the greeting to compensate for her true feelings. On one occasion she’d leaned forward to kiss Gwen, but the other woman had turned her head sharply and Lauren had ended up pecking her on the neck like a drunken chicken.

Still, Gwen loved her son and that was a quality Lauren could respect.

Gwen was clutching a parcel. “Where’s my precious boy?”

He’s forty, Lauren thought. Not a boy.

“He’s on his way home.”

Gwen handed over her coat. “He’s still at work? On his birthday?”

Her tone stung like a jellyfish and Lauren felt her face burn.

Gwen seemed to hold Lauren personally responsible for the fact her son worked long hours. Not that she expressed her disapproval directly, but the pursed lips, sighs and eye rolls conveyed her message with perfect clarity.

Ed was fond of saying that his mother spoke fluent body language.

Privately Lauren had often wondered whether she would have married Ed had she met Gwen first.

“Come and talk to Mack, I know she’ll be thrilled to see you. She’s in the TV room.” Lauren took the stairs down to the TV room and Gwen followed.

“She’s watching American TV?” She said it in the same tone she might have said taking drugs and having sex?

Why couldn’t she find a single nice thing to say?

Nice dress, Lauren.

House is looking beautiful.

Did you arrange all this yourself?

My son is so lucky to be married to you.

“I don’t know what she’s watching.”

“She could be watching porn. I read that all teenagers watch porn.”

“She’s not watching porn, Gwen.” Ed, if you’re not home in the next five minutes, I’m going to kill you.

Mack appeared in the doorway. “Mom, that American porn film you suggested I watch is—” She broke off and gave a dazzling smile. “Hi, Nana, didn’t see you there.”

Gwen swayed and clutched at the wall to steady herself.

Lauren had an inconvenient urge to laugh. There had been a time when she definitely would have laughed, but she’d worked hard to suppress that side of herself. Unfortunately it seemed determined to make a reappearance.

She didn’t dare catch Mack’s eye, although since Gwen already thought she was the world’s worst parent, she probably couldn’t sink any lower in the approval ratings.

“Mack, can you come upstairs and help greet people?”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance