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‘Actually, I thought Chloe and I might go shopping,’ Lara said casually, wrapping the scarf around her neck and glancing at her watch. ‘The shops don’t close until late.’

‘What are we shopping for?’

‘A new outfit for the school disco.’ Lara smiled at Chloe. ‘I’ve seen an amazing dress. It would look great on you.’

Chloe shook her head. ‘I’m not going to the school disco.’

Christian frowned. ‘I’d forgotten about it. When is it?’

‘It doesn’t matter,’ Chloe said quickly. ‘I’m not going. It’s fine. Really. Don’t worry, Dad.’

‘I’m not worrying,’ Christian said mildly, ‘but I think you should go to the disco. All your friends will be going, presumably?’

‘I don’t know. I suppose so.’

‘Then you should go, too.’

Chloe threw an anguished look towards Lara. ‘It finishes so late.’

‘One of us will pick you up,’she said immediately.

‘I’d rather stay at home.’

At that moment Aggie came running towards them, still dressed in her angel costume and white ballet shoes. She was clutching two big bags. ‘I can go home like this if I like. Daddy, will you take me for an ice cream? Can I stay in my costume?’

‘Great idea,’ Christian drawled, scooping her into his arms. ‘After all, it’s only minus two degrees outside. Eating an ice cream half-naked seems perfectly logical. Why don’t you and Lara go shopping, Chloe? We’ll see you later.’

Chloe stared at him for a moment and then blinked several times. ‘OK,’ she said huskily. ‘We’ll go shopping.’

* * *

‘This will look great on you. Try it.’ It was Lara’s fourth attempt to persuade Chloe to try on a dress.

Listlessly, Chloe stared at the dress and shook her head. ‘I don’t need anything new.’

Lara put the dress down and sat down on the seat in the cubicle. ‘All right. Enough. What’s wrong with the clothes? Am I picking the wrong things for you?’

‘No, everything is great,’ Chloe said quickly. ‘I just—don’t need anything.’

‘Would you rather have gone for an ice cream with your dad?’ Lara narrowed her eyes. ‘I’m missing something here. Chloe, what’s wrong?’

Suddenly a hideous thought occurred to her.

Had Chloe guessed

how Lara felt about her father?

Was she feeling insecure?

To her horror, the girl’s eyes filled with tears. ‘Nothing. I just don’t want to spend Daddy’s money. I have everything I need.’And with that she fumbled her way out of the changing room, leaving Lara staring after her in bemusement and concern.

She abandoned the dress she was holding and sprinted after her. ‘Chloe, wait. Wait!’ She caught her just outside the shop and grabbed her arm. ‘Please, don’t run away from me. We have to talk. If there’s something worrying you then talk to me. Please.’

‘There’s nothing to say.’

‘Well, if you won’t talk to me, at least talk to your dad,’ Lara urged, wishing they weren’t in the middle of a busy shopping centre, heaving with Christmas shoppers. ‘He’s worried about you.’

Chloe’s eyes widened and she shook her head. ‘I don’t want him to be worried about me.’

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance