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“Ah—that. That polished look you’re admiring is the work of your clever mommy, who is trying to decide which color lipstick Socks prefers. Perhaps you can come with me and we can ask him together.”

Ruby giggled. “That’s silly. Socks doesn’t care if you wear lipstick.”

“No? Try telling that to your mommy.”

“You look nice,” Melly said shyly. “If you like, I can help you with your makeup every day while we’re here. And I can do your nails.”

To Posy’s credit, she didn’t recoil. “That would be great. Thanks, Melly.”

Ruby tugged at her. “Where’s Grandpa and Grandma?”

“You just missed Grandpa,” Beth said. “He was running late and left a few minutes ago—” she caught her sister’s eye “—after he ate the delicious omelet I made him.”

Posy grinned and shifted Ruby onto her other hip. “And Grandma is ill in bed, so you can’t see her right now. Maybe later.”

Ruby’s face fell. “I wanted to see Grandpa. And I did a special drawing for Grandma.”

“You did? That’s great. We’ll find a way to give it to her later. I am so glad you’re here, because Socks has been missing you.”

Ruby brightened. “Can we ride him?”

“That’s up to your mom.” Posy looked at Beth, who felt a rush of anxiety.

Everyone knew horse riding was dangerous.

Jason put his hand on her shoulder. “Let her ride. You know she loves it. She can wear a helmet.”

“It isn’t just their heads, Jason. It’s their spines.” Beth bit her lip. “We should have bought chest protectors for them. I should have thought of it. And nowadays they make airbags so that if you fall you pull a cord and you’re cushioned. Maybe it’s not too late to get them delivered before Christmas.”

Why was everyone staring at her?

Posy bounced Ruby on her hip. “I think a helmet is probably enough. I’ll be leading Socks. Nothing can happen.”

Of course things could happen! No wonder there were so many accidents. People were too cavalier about safety. Which was their business, of course, but she didn’t want people being cavalier with her children.

Ruby was holding her breath, her arms clasped round Posy’s neck as she gazed hopefully at Beth. “Please.”

She was in an impossible position. How could she say no?

“All right. But definitely wear a helmet and do everything Aunty Posy tells you. Don’t talk too loudly around Socks, and if you’re going to feed him, keep your hand flat or—”

“Beth.” Jason put his arm round her shoulders. “They’re going to be fine.”

“I know, I’m just saying that—”

“You want them to be careful. And they will be. Let them go with Posy. It will give us a chance to catch up.”

That was true.

Beth nodded. “Off you go. Have fun.”

Ruby whooped and Melly looked excited, too.

Posy took over. “Do you have warm clothes?”

“Yes!” Ruby turned to look at Beth. “Will Mommy go away again?”

“She’s not going anywhere. It’s Christmas.” Posy kissed Ruby on the cheek. “We’re all here together. After we’ve fed Socks, we’re going to hang our stockings and you can help me bake Christmas cookies, but first you need to get changed. Then we’ll find food for Socks because it’s cold out there and he needs extra food.”

Tags: Sarah Morgan Romance